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Rhubarb Pie @ 3 hearts Bug Report

Discussion in 'Support' started by BlueJayBeautie, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. BlueJayBeautie

    BlueJayBeautie Space Hobo

    I'm not exactly sure what caused this glitch but it is right now Fall 2nd Year 1, I got the rhubarb pie yesterday and wasn't aware that it was the 7 heart recipe for Marnie and just thought it was my 3 heart recipe until I got Pale Broth today, which is proper. I gave my latest gift, a gold quality Sweet Pea, to Marnie on the last day of the month which put her to 3 hearts thus I was expecting a recipe. Other social stats are Alex 5, Lewis 5, Robin 3, Demetrius 2, George 1 with everyone in that list except George receiving a gift as well as Evelyn and Jodi. Please let me know if you need other info.

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