Riding the Bus with any Speed Buffs (UPDATE: Mod was cause of issue)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Xenonex, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. Xenonex

    Xenonex Void-Bound Voyager

    So now that I can cook Coffee & Pepper Poppers, I basically keep both Speed buffs active all the time. For a while now I had noticed that I appeared to move slower in Calico Desert, but chalked it up to a thematically appropriate Speed debuff due to the harsh sands or something. However after a few recent quick trips to Calico Desert and back to town for the rest of the day, I really felt that I was moving sluggishly.

    Well with the help of the "Lookup Anything" mod's optional datamining fields I was able to confirm my suspicions. Specifically, the field "Farmer::addedSpeed: " is the one which changed according to whether you have a Speed buff/debuff active or not.

    No buffs active:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 0

    With Coffee:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 1

    With Coffee + Pepper Poppers:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 2

    Get on the Bus without any food buffs active, then checking immediately on arrival in Calico Desert:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 0

    Same as above, but then eating Pepper Poppers + Coffee while in Calico Desert:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 2

    Get on the Bus with Coffee + Pepper Poppers active, then checking immediately on arrival in Calico Desert:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 0

    Same as above, but waiting for the Coffee & Pepper Popper buff icons to expire:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: -2

    Same as above, but then eating more Coffee & Pepper Poppers after their buffs expire:
    Farmer::addedSpeed: 0

    These figures match with what I was experiencing in terms of how fast my character was running. I also tested with other buff foods, and this issue only appears to occur with the Speed Buff. Luck, Defense, Farming, etc. appear unaffected when riding the Bus. To summarize:

    Riding the Bus to Calico Desert with any Speed Buffs active will give you a hidden, equally powerful Speed Debuff to cancel it out, however this debuff will last for the rest of the day, even after your Speed buffs wear off, and no matter your location. This occurs every time you ride the Bus from Pelican Town > Calico Desert, so it is possible to "reset" your speed back to normal by taking this trip again without any Speed Buffs active.

    The takeaway is that you should avoid getting on the Bus with any Speed buffs active, and any strategies involving using Coffee to get to the Skull Cavern quicker need to drink the Coffee after arriving in Calico Desert (possibly using a chest full of Coffee next to the Desert Bus Stop).

    I suppose I should post this in the Support Forum? I posted a bug regarding + Farming Skill Foods not having an effect earlier, but I don't know if it was ever seen / passed along to the appropriate people. Is there a preferred method of reporting bugs to be addressed?

    So it looks like the culprit was indeed a mod! Should've known better to keep assuming it was a base game bug when I noticed it right after downloading SMAPI :p Anyways, it looks like it only occurs when I have CJB Cheats Menu installed, which is no problem since I only grabbed that thinking it might speed up the process of setting my Skill Levels to arbitrary values for testing instead of rolling new characters all the time.
      Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
      WilliamZ likes this.
    • Borodin

      Borodin Oxygen Tank

      Should be put under Support, so that CA sees it. Not here, where he doesn't (at least, we think he doesn't) check.
      • Xenonex

        Xenonex Void-Bound Voyager

      • Borodin

        Borodin Oxygen Tank

        Just in Support. CA checks there, we know that for sure.
        • rebusplays

          rebusplays Void-Bound Voyager

          Seriously? I did not know that! Seems like a pretty big bug!
          • rebusplays

            rebusplays Void-Bound Voyager

            I just checked this and I am not getting the issue with just coffee alone. Does it have to be both?
            • rebusplays

              rebusplays Void-Bound Voyager

              Hate to say it but just tried with both. Ate them both in different orders and still cannot reproduce this issue (Sadly this is my day job)....I cannot get the issue to occur at all. Might be something specific just to you.
              • Xenonex

                Xenonex Void-Bound Voyager

                Interesting, I got reports from the subreddit also that people are not having this issue, perhaps there is more to it. As for me, I've confirmed I get it when using Coffee alone, Pepper Poppers alone, or both together, all the same. Possibly one of my 4 mods could be causing a conflict; I will try again without any mods installed and check back.

                So it looks like the culprit was indeed a mod! Should've known better to keep assuming it was a base game bug when I noticed it right after downloading SMAPI :p Anyways, it looks like it only occurs when I have CJB Cheats Menu installed, which is no problem since I only grabbed that thinking it might speed up the process of setting my Skill Levels to arbitrary values for testing instead of rolling new characters all the time.

                Sorry for making an assumption, and thanks for taking the time to check back and let me know what I did wrong! :)
                  Last edited: Jan 18, 2017

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