Properties: The Rogue fabricator has 4 known stages: Stage 1. Creatorcrate: If found right side up in this stage, the Creatorcrate will dispense basic supplies in exchange for pixels. Unfortunately, they are top heavy, so you rarely find them upright. If upside down, the Creatorcrate malfunctions and goes rogue, advancing to the Drone stage. Stage 2. Drone: The Drone emerges from the Creatorcrate and consumes as many objects and raw materials as it can find. The Drone has no weapons, but the box functions as a natural shield. When the Drone has eaten enough, it advances to the Soldier stage. If a Factory is present, some Drones stay Drones in order to feed the Factory. Stage 3. Soldier: The Soldier has 2 machine guns that alternate fire. The Soldier grows additional armor, and its box continues to function as a shield. The Soldier consumes resources like the Drone, and when it has consumed enough, it advances to the Factory stage. If a Factory is nearby, the Soldier does not consume resources or advance to the Factory stage. Stage 4. Factory: The Factory functions like the queen of an ant colony. It cannot move, and Drones bring it resources that they gather. When the Factory has consumed enough resources, it produces a new Creatorcrate, which has a 90% chance of landing upside down and starting the process again. The Factory has the same armor as a Drone. Only one Factory can exist in a given area. The Drones feed and repair the Factory, while the Soldiers protect it. If the Factory is destroyed, a Soldier will consume resources in order to advance to the Factory stage. If my selection is chosen, I would like to make the additional walking and transformation animations needed to put the Rogue Fabricator into Starbound. For more of my work, please visit
Damn, that's cool. I want one, pre-skynet ofcourse. Seriously though, that's one cool design brought to life by some well thought out sprite animation. Not so seriously though, isn't it peculiar how all sci-fi computers seem to be running DOS
The Nouski-Brom Research station actually doesn't run Dos. It's equipped with state of the art Commodore 512s. ^_^
Haha touche. I must admit I had never actually seen a commodore, but now that you mention it everything make sense. Nice touch to your presentation