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Bug/Issue Save File Loading 10 Days in Past

Discussion in 'Support' started by gpoctopus, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. gpoctopus

    gpoctopus Space Hobo

    I'm on PC and played on one PC yesterday and am on a new one today. When I went to load the file, it reverted to 10 days in the past (Summer 4), when I tried again, I noticed that in the menu it was correctly saying Summer 14, but when loaded it was again Summer 4 (and everything was in the state it was at that point in the game).

    I tried to load the old file, which oddly enough, said Summer 13 in the menu, but loaded into my Summer 3.

    I would think cloud save could be an issue, but it was literally from the middle of my session yesterday and the fact that the old one is also having a similar strange issue, I'm hoping this may be salvageable.

    Anyway, save file is attached, hope someone can help.


    Edit - I figured out what happened. Looks like the savegameinfo updated via the cloud, but the other file didn't. I was able to recover the files from my other pc. Resolved!
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2019

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