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Bug/Issue Save old when loading returns the game's initial intro and does not load

Discussion in 'Support' started by anexom, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. anexom

    anexom Poptop Tamer

    Today I put the beta to test if it was going to work fine in my language so when I load my oldest save of the game they simply of the screen and loading in the game and back to the loading of when you open the game and do not load my save , If anyone can help me .

    Ps: sorry if I already have something like this in the forum I do not speak English so I can search and it was bad because I had to use a translator
    • MysticTempest

      MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

      Can you zip up your savefile, and post it here?

      I'll take a look at it, and see what I can find.

      Windows location:

      • anexom

        anexom Poptop Tamer

      • MysticTempest

        MysticTempest Spaceman Spiff

        Hey Anexom,

        Thanks for uploading your save. I took a look, and it seems the issue was with your farm buildings & animals. The coop, barn, slime hutch, and associated animals.
        It looks like you had used an unofficial translation patch in the past that was incompatible with the official translation currently in Beta.

        I fixed those buildings & animals in your save data, and the game now loads from what I've tested. All your old items will have the translations from your old translation patch. However, new items & things should all have the proper translations from the Beta going forward.

        Try this out, but if you have any other issues let me know.

          Attached Files:

          Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
        • anexom

          anexom Poptop Tamer

          Hello Mystic It worked well in the BETA version I will play for a few hours (I was finally very anxious) to see if there is a bug or something, in the normal version when I opened the inventory the game crashed that was solved with the '' update '' For BETA. Many thanks for the help, I'm very grateful: D

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