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RELEASED SentientSupper's Monster Parts 2017-11-18

Recreation of monster parts shown off before beta release.

  1. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  2. amirmiked12

    amirmiked12 Parsec Taste Tester

    Does it work alone or it should be used with that mod.
  3. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    Works alone.
  4. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

  5. Webdings

    Webdings Void-Bound Voyager

    Do you know the specifics for spawning a Derrick
  6. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    /spawnmonster smallquadruped 1 '{"selectedParts":{"head":"smallhypnohead","chest":"smallplatechest","legs":"smallderpzillalegs","tail":"smalltoothtail"}}' If I am not mistaken.
  7. Webdings

    Webdings Void-Bound Voyager

    are a SAINT
  8. ChronoHyperion

    ChronoHyperion Big Damn Hero

    Is this compatible with sup overhaul?
  9. SentientSupper

    SentientSupper Cosmic Narwhal

    ChronoHyperion likes this.

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