So I recently married Shane, and I noticed that although in previous cut-scenes, he stopped drinking alcohol and started drinking sparkling water instead, he often talks about drinking wine and lots of beer, and never actually leaves to go to any counseling. He also has beer all over the floor of his room in the farmhouse, both in cans and just spilled all over the place. If his character development includes stopping drinking and going to counseling, shouldn't he follow through with that? And why, before marriage, does he continue to go to the Stardrop Saloon every night for hours to drink if he doesn't drink anymore? So maybe sparkling water should be added to the game, and after the six heart event he would hate all alcohol and love sparkling water instead? And what if, after he stops drinking and seems to get a handle on his life, he would stop looking like he is falling apart, with stubble all over his face and an ratty old jacket, and instead have a freshly shaved beard and a new jacket? There is so much more that could be done with Shane, but instead his story line is filled with plot holes and lack of character development, especially where it is expected.
Doesn't sound like a plot hole to me. Someone saying they are going clean doesn't always mean they actually do. Many people fall of the wagon or don't even get on the wagon to begin with despite saying they will and considering that the current Stardew lore already includes neglectful parents, secret affairs, drug use, and possible adultery the idea of a character being an alcoholic who says he's going to clean up and then doesn't wouldn't be that far fetched.
Shouldn't he at least say something about not going to counseling anymore? Or at least say something about going back to alcohol again, other than openly drinking? Maybe his story line does include him drinking again and not going to counseling, but it seems like it was just ignored instead.
Not really. It varies from person to person obviously but some people especially if they made a big deal about getting clean won't openly admit that they have gone off the wagon. For some it's a matter of shame where they fall back but don't want to admit failure and instead just try to act like everything is just fine, for others they may be delusional and they actually think they are still getting clean even though their actions speak differently.
But even then, Shane goes back to drinking and stops going to counseling, if he ever did, and no one brings it up? In the four and six heart events, drinking has become a real problem for him, waking up on the ground surrounded by beer. But then, in the seven heart event he tells Marnie that he doesn't drink beer anymore, only sparkling water, and is happier than normal, although annoyed that she originally thought he was happy because there was a sale on beer. If he had gone back to drinking wouldn't Marnie or your character have questioned him about it?
Sure they might but that runs more into being a limitation of the game. There are no post marriage events or major dialogue options for your character so any potential questioning would have to be offscreen or head canon. Plus who is to say how much Marnie is even aware. He could very well be lying to her about it. If she asks how his counseling is going he just says fine and then changes the subject with her being none the wiser that he isn't actually going. Or if he falls into the delusional category he would honestly believe himself that everything is fine and therefore says that to her anyway honestly believing it himself. This is just how this kind of thing often goes. Getting clean from any kind of addiction is rarely cut and dry or straight forward. Very few people can just decide to get clean and just do it like that and there are frequent cases of people who fall back into bad habits and just hide it from the rest of the world and avoid the subject if anyone happens to bring it up.
I'm fairly sure that there's a dialogue thing where in the bar, he tells you that he's just drinking soda or something. But that would be cool ( If I ever make a third save file to marry him ) , seeing his likes and dislikes change, and have him leave the house every week or so to go for counseling.
To some degree, you kinda have to make your own canon about the characters and their activities in this game, CA leaves some things pretty open-ended so that you can decide. Personally, if I see Shane drinking something at the bar, I just assume it's soda or some other non-alcoholic beverage. As a non-drinker myself, I can say it is possible to hang out at an establishment that serves liquor and not drink it. Pelican Town is really small and the saloon seems to be the place to go when you want to socialize, so Shane going there probably has less to do with wanting to get drunk as it does with him wanting to hang out somewhere besides the ranch. On many occasions I've actually seen him talking to Gus or standing next to a table when I've gone in there, he's not always chugging something. As far as the rest, I'm not married to him yet so I haven't seen his habits regarding leaving the house or where he goes (or doesn't go, in the case of the counseling), but I did get a mod to clean up his room cuz well...even if he did trash it, I wouldn't let it stay that way. >u<