The steam workshop could be good for modding because it allows an easy way to download mods. What do you think?
First the game code needs to be stable before workshop can be implemented. Otherwise every update mods will break - causing a lot of mods to just be outdated like it is now. It is best left after 1.0 where changes are less likely to break mods.
If Steam Workshop is allowed, it will be even more annoying for mod authors to deal with people who use the review section as their "bug report" section.
They've already stated that they plan on Steam workshop (and Steam multiplayer, like Terraria now has) integration. It's a ways off though I can't really cite a source, but I ain't a rumor spreader type.
As much as I like Steam workshop in some games, honestly no I don't prefer it for Starbound. As has been mentioned, Starbound isn't complete and mods will get broken. I don't believe Steam Workshop is setup to consider the version of the game itself and therefore if certain mods won't work. So you'll have lots of frustration. I mean we get that here, but these forums are FAR better setup to deal with support for mod issues. We have our discussion tabs, detailed updates, the ability to report a mod as outdated(which reminds me I have a mod to update). Pretty well any aspect of Steam forums are a hot mess on a cold day. If we wanted a mixed bag of half-broken mods with no real support, we already have Nexus. The one thing I like about the workshop - and yet don't like - is that you can update the mods, and the people who installed the mods through the workshop automatically download the newest version. That simplifies support somewhat. The downside is... what if they preferred the old version? The ease of use is another positive/negative thing. You can just run through clicking to add mods in the workshop. The process for Starbound is enough that you should at the very least remember/be aware of what mods you are using. It isn't a click and forget sort of thing. Everyone who has installed the mods would know exactly where to go to deal with the mods as necessary.
I am against any further steam integration, so no, I don't want the workshop. Plus, as mentioned, people will just use the review section as a bug report forum, and we cant get those removed like we can here.
After 1.0, workshop integration would be awesome, especially if they did it like Space Engineers' workshop integration for mods.
Well... i was just asking lol. I was jus really frustrated that most of the awesome mods are outdated.
Steam workshop would only make this issue worse because they won'r have an "outdated" section. People will install old mods and complain about them not working. Mod authors are not going to be around to update their mods forever.
Once 1.0 is out, why not? Starbound's current modding system should work perfectly with steam workshop, I think.