Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I haven't had to post before because most of my questions are answered somewhere on these boards. I'm trying to use the Witchy Gothic interior (this CP version:, and for the life of me, I can't get the mahogany dresser or coffee table reskin to show up in the game (just shows the standard version of these furniture pieces) -- everything else is working perfectly. I thought it might have something to do with the candles on the dresser that are two pixels higher than the original dresser, but I didn't think that would explain why the coffee table isn't loading from the mod's .png, either. I tried adjusting where the dresser is on the .png a few different ways, but I can't seem to get it to work. I don't care so much about the coffee table, but the dresser is one of my favorite things about the mod, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone has any suggestions or answers.
@quindici Looking at the content.json for the mod I can't see where the mahogany dresser or coffee table are replaced; which would explain why they aren't showing up changed in the catalog.
I just tried shifting it to another spot in the dressers row and that was a no-go, too, so that makes sense as to why I couldn't find anything to change in the content file when I thought it was a size problem. Do you know what I would need to add to that file to make those reskins replace the originals?
You'll need to open the recolor and the original .pngs in a graphics program to find the x/y locations of the items; then you need to add those to the content.json in the same manner as the other items were - you're telling content patcher to replace the item on the game's furniture file with this other item. You can look at what the author of the conversion did for those other furniture items and copy it with the new coordinates.