Whyt reaches over, gently patting Phateon's back."Me? Uhm...I actually haven't even thought of explosives on a planetary scale yet. Mostly nation-wide scale." She nodded sagely.
"Maybe I'm making too big a deal out of the whole thing. Maybe this one chunk of space just happens to have an abundance of rock that haven't, you know, clumped together to form bigger chunks."
"Yeah...with Siren's prestige, it gives an insight of the traffic through there...plenty of chances dor not so skilled drivers to smash into things and make a mess..."
"There's a clear distinction! Drivers work with land vehicles, Pilots work with planes and ships. You're not going to call a guy with a rocket launcher a rifleman, are you?"
"Ok, 'cause I would call him a jack with a rocket launcher. Besides, 'soldier' is too broad of a term."
The Captain holds her hands up with a toothy grin. "Right, I'll stop ye two 'fore one o'ye calls me Tinderbox a boat." "I c'n assure ye all that Siren 'asn't 'ad any neighborin' planets fer as long as there's been records o'her treasurey troves--whether th't means they was destroyed 'fore we could spot 'em is up t'debate still. We'll certainly want t'avoid th'star 's'much as possible, with avoidin' astronomical debris bein' up t'the resident pilot," saying this with a humorously stern look at Will. "Now, the question still stands--will we go in fast 'nd hard, as Miss Owen seems t'have suggested, or do we go in stealthy like, as Miss Lani mentioned? Me Tinderbox is certainly up fer either task, 'nd I'm personally split betwixt the two."
"I'm no fan of crashing and burning before we even start the job so I'll say slow...if the PILOT can hold off the need for speed for that long..."
Whyt plants her fist in her palm, grinning wildly. "I say we go in fast and hard!" A pause, as she wiggled her eyebrows."Ain't no better defense than speeding through our obstacles."
"Because for me, it's an ethos." "And if we can run fast, and still use those stealth gadgets, the better; but something tells me that'll put too much stress on the power plant."
Lucca's grin goes a bit wry. "Don't worry about those! Rocks and junk are small potatoes, we can see 'em coming; I'd worry about the iktus we can't see."