I can't find any hint of anything saying whose Spouse Room belongs to who. It might be somewhere I can't get to it, or it might be defined in a way I don't see/can't find. As an alternative, I could just edit the default, blank marriage room to have Shane's features instead. In that case, anyone using the mod would have to install that feature only if they are going to marry Shane. If they decide to marry anyone else, they would have to use the default files that came with the game's installation. These files are Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Content/Maps/FarmHouse1_marriage.xnb and FarmHouse2_marriage.xnb. I hope that wouldn't be too much of a hassle for anyone if I can't figure how to get his Spouse Room to work how it's supposed to... Thoughts?
I'm sure it would be okay for you to offer a backup of the original files in your release thread if you go with the alternative. Surely all who want to see this happen are okay with going the extra mile
Yeah, I would definitely do that. I'll have to make sure I have my own originals backed up before I change anything lol...
Bah... well, I got the back layer of his room to show up when I added it to the default marriage room map... I have no idea why the other two layers didn't show up with it. I have one file right now that is already married to him and one that loads the day of the wedding. The room showed up the same in both files. Funny enough, it didn't screw up my third file, where I'm married to Sebastian - his room was fully intact. Maybe you /could/ use this with other marriage candidates. (If I can get it to work properly for Shane in the first place!)
Well, you broke space time through the force of love. And Shane gets to see his own wedding as a witness. Shane is timelord?
We're gonna go with that, because I can't find any kind of code for the wedding itself. lmao. Shane gets to attend his own wedding as a guest and there's not a thing I can do about it.
. . . estranged twin brother? I am so excited for this - I have been living as a spinster for almost 4 years since I couldn't bear the thought of being with someone other than Shane
There there? Stick with the space time breakage theory, or pretend the crowd-Shane is a cousin from out of town? Or an older/younger brother, since a fair amount of people already think Jas is his sister, what harm in pretending that the duplicate is a brother who works and lives elsewhere. I wonder if, were the crowd to be determined off heart rating, would there still be a duplicate? Or is it caused by essentially calling up the wedding crowd for someone else and using that crowd? I have no idea how modding works, sadly it I would try to be more helpful. But it seems like there SHOULD be a method around it, but that doesn't mean there is. Well, we appreciate the effort you put in, anyway.
I don't think the wedding's crowd is determined by heart levels. I've had, like, less than 0 hearts with people like Clint, and Caroline, Emily, etc., but they came to all 3 weddings I've had in the game. Lol. I didn't happen to notice Sebastian in the crowd at our wedding in my other file, but then again I wasn't looking. I'm not really sure how it works, probably calls the same crowd to every wedding and effectively removes the character who's in the wedding. I assume it's hard coded, so since Shane isn't a hard coded bachelor it doesn't know it should remove him from the crowd. Tbh I also know nothing about actual modding. I know a lot about pixel art/sprite sheets/mapping, which makes this a lot easier, but I don't have much codding experience. That's why the XNB modding is so perfect. Any kind of API modding and I would be 100% clueless... ^^;
Well, maybe once the API's are further along, someone will be willing to help move things to API, since that is supposed to make things like adding events much easier. I know nothing about it or I would be eagerly volunteering.
I definitely believe it, and that's a hope of mine as well! I would really love to learn API modding myself, but many of the guides are above my level. Haha.
I've posted version 1.0, which includes a blank spouse room and no romance events. I may attempt to add an event with XNB modding, but I'm not sure how extensive I will be able to make it. As far as spouse rooms, I'm convinced I can't do it with XNB modding, since I've tried basically everything. For now, the room will be blank. If anyone knows any API modders who love Shane and are bored, send them my way.
Lol, I know this is old. But maybe a series of events that lead to Shane quitting his job at JoJa-Mart. Maybe he is an artist but he has esteem issues so instead of taking a risk with his art, he stays at JoJa where he is at least making a secure paycheck. Maybe a friendship/romance event is Shane giving you art classes which in turn bolster his confidence.
It's only like a day old and I'm still open to suggestions for events! As of now I think most of my "brainstorming" for events is more daydreaming (at least until I learn how to API mod/find someone who can), but I love hearing peoples' Shane fantasies! haha. Also I def want to add more than one event if I can! And more after marriage too, if possible. No reason the romance has to stop!
Ah ok cool. Well I guess there should be at least a vague consensus on his positive traits. What does he like (besides beer)? What can we add to him that would make him stand out from the other possible bachelors? How might marriage to Shane benefit you How do you benefit Shane?
I love Shane to death. This mod = Here's what I think about those Shane questions: - He also likes pizza! Haha, but seriously, I kinda see him as a real family man. If he quits his lame job to stay home with the player he could make a great house-husband~ ( He doesn't need a job if he's with them anyways. Food/money just floooooows in. ) - Marriage to Shane would benefit us because he's adorable and he could take care of the kids and some chores... *shrugs* He's cute, darnit. - We could benefit Shane by helping him work through his depression and getting him out of that super lame job of his. He'd be 100x happier! But those're just my opinions.