He loves peppers and the Pepper Poppers recipe (so probably spicy food in general) and pizza. He's listed on the wiki as liking Fairy Rose (which would be interesting since his cousin Jas loves them) but I don't actually see their ID on his likes list anywhere, and they're not in Universal Likes either. Ok, I've been poking around in the festival dialogue because I wanted to get his egg festival dialogue: he REALLY likes spicy food, and he likes animals. The egg festival dialogue is 'Our hens have been working overtime to prepare for this festival.#$b#They deserve the best tonight... bowls full of sweet yellow corn!' (which confused me the first time because I didn't know he was staying with Marnie and I was going '??? Joja Corp raises hens?'), two of the other festivals have him praising the spicy food. I can't find the data file for the flavor text in houses, but his room has a book on something like 'how to raise chickens' (also he cheats at video games) and some of his dialogue (high fp + community center complete, I think?) says 'If I could reset my life maybe I'd start a chicken farm' .... I just found an unused file where he wants to be a sports analyst and talks about chickens a whole lot. He also obsesses over jalapeno chips. It's copied to all four seasonal dialogue folders and it must be old because he's talking about 'Josh' which was Alex's original name. So I'd say maybe his events could include him talking about wanting to quit Joja to raise chickens and you can encourage him... or discourage him, I guess. And his spouse chores can be weighted towards taking care of the animals if that's possible to edit.
I believe I read an article where the guy who made Stardew Valley (sorry I don't know his name off the top of my head) mentioned adding in romance options in the future at some point and mentioned how "a lot of of people want Shane for some reason" (or something along those lines, lol) so there might be an official patch for this sometime down the line though it's probably a ways off. But either way this is amazing, you are doing god's work son! Keep it up!
Yep! He tweeted that he may add more marriage options in the future and stated that he knows Shane is popular. I encourage everyone to go with ConcernedApe's version of bachelor Shane if/when it comes out, because it will definitely be loads better than mine. Lol.
Also, I'm pretty sure my next project will be bachelor Linus. I plan to do a "hot Linus" reskin version, and a version for those who like him all hairy and stuff.....
It's amazing work what you did here, I was wondering if it was possible if later on you could make Emily a bachelorette too? I would love to date her!
Shane likes chickens, or they at least are his favorite animal out of the ones on Marnie's ranch. It wouldn't be too surprising if he likes other animals too, to varying degrees. (I think that goats would be his least favorite. Maybe they try to eat his hoodie.) While he doesn't seem to be a sports fan anymore, according to his 6-heart friendship event, he does like cameras, apparently. The scene is of him recording an ad for a Joja Corp competition, and he asks if the PC likes his new camera. Which means that he likes photography/recording enough to shell out the money for a camera. Add in that he apparently wrote the dialogue/scene in said scene, and it seems like he possibly once had aspirations of being a screenwriter? From that same scene, he seems to have some 'oblivious to love' attributes, given that he is confused by the reason one actor is forgetting his lines. Not sure what you mean by how he'd benefit the PC if they dated- the benefit of dating/marrying any of the romance options seems to be the same no matter who you choose. By which, I mean the benefit of dating, is dating. That said, he is genuinely fond of and worries about the PC, which can be seen in his events. He's also very grateful when the PC does things for him. For example, in the six heart event that was readded, he says he wants the PC in the shot, and the reason he gives seems almost like an afterthought. And he is very grateful for the PC's cooperation by performing a very simple task.[/spoiler As for how the PC benefits Shane... Give him a boost in self confidence, help him with his depression, help him with his feeling of being trapped in a hole, help him stop his forming alcoholism from getting worse, and generally just make him happier. (Also, if his camera makes a reappearance, a scene of him taking photos and/or videos of the PC as they pose would be nice.)
I'm like.... 90% done with a mod to make regular Linus fully romance-able........ I really love Linus, but it's so hard to take him seriously as a marriage candidate. lol. That said, I think I'm going to change the name of this thread to "Siv's Marriage Mods" when he's done. After I'm done with regular Linus I'm going to start working on the hot AND romance-able Linus, then maybe Emily. (Now that I know everything I need to do, it goes so quickly...!)
Alright, kiddos - regular Linus is now ready to be woo'd! Totally compatible with the Shane mod - just make sure that the Shane mod is COMPLETELY INSTALLED before you install the Linus mod! More info about installing multiple marriage mods in the first post! *u*
Loving this so much, probably too much. I'm kinda having fun with Shane's room although I wish there wasn't an empty void I could walk into. Patched it up with a fence. Also, I thought a chicken statue might suit him so I also put it inside the room. Currently his room there actually looks way better than most of the house. I have a very empty house.
The next ones will be Pam and Marnie. Hahaha Marrying Pam would be sooooo weird, she looks old enough to be my grandmother...
Or the Wizard, Emily, Clint, Gus, Sandy, Lewis or Willy. I know there are quite a few people who would like to marry the Wizard, and I'm sure same could be said for Emily and Sandy. I'd love to marry Kent but he's already a married man so that makes things a bit more complicated, unless him and Jodi were to get a divorce but then I'd feel bad (plus it'd make things kinda awkward whenever I'd come across Jodi, Sam or Vincent in town).
I really would love to do the wizard and Sandy in the future, but I'm not sure how plausible because they aren't "regular" villagers. Probably worth a try, though!
I really love this mod and that you took your time for it will it ever be possible to change the portraits with custom ones though? ^^ There are some for shane who make him look even better
I think it would cause issues since portrait mods don't have all the emotes that are needed? Just a guess though.
Yes, this is accurate. It would be possible to collab with whomever did the portrait mod to combine them at some point, but I don't have plans for this anytime soon. Edit: That is, unless the person who modded the portraits were to unpack the portrait file in my mod and edit it to their liking. I suppose I wouldn't *mind* that, but I would appreciate them checking in with me first to make sure nothing gets messed up. :^)