NYEEEHEHEHE! Time to turn that boring skeleton statue into an awesome statue of the great Papyrus! Member of the royal guard! (Not yet a member of the royal guard...) To invite Papyrus to the human world download THIS, and put it in the folder called "TileSheets"! NYEEHEHEHE! EDIT: Mod updated for version 1.1! (Feedback is always welcome! >w<)
I love it! Much better for the general feeling of my house. I was all freaked out when I saw the skeleton in the mine first. Usually a skeleton boss is a very hard enemy in most games, (With Undertale both lampshading and following that trope to a T.)
Hehe this is awesome. I am going to have fun with this mod. Now all we need is one that also adds a sans one into the game. Thanking about it having a statue of all of them would be great but this is great.
But also can you make one for sans also? If you don't mind requests you can use the chicken statue lol
I'll think about it. I've got some problems in reallife atm, so I don't have a lot of time lately. ^^"