The Riverland Farm is aesthetically, my favorite but fishing has always been my boredom skill, only used when I'm waiting for shops to open or when i have nothing to do. I normally go Trapper, yet it doesn't seem to yield anything of real value. Panning for ore is simply something Ive never done. I think i tried once.. but couldn't find a spot, so i just left the pan in my house-chest. Therefore, my suggestions center around increased profit and supporting other skills with the Fishing skill. Hopefully creating more incentive to "pan for ore" and use fishing as a main money-making skill. The Glittering Boulder Once the player has removed the Glittering Boulder, Willy could become ecstatic, and thank the player for what they've done. (like normal) Over the next three days, Willy could be repairing his old Rocker box and be unavailable during this time. Once completed, a cutscene could be unlocked when the player goes to the beach. Willy could then explain, what a Rocker Box is and allow the player to use it when ever they want, Then giving the player the Copper Pan. A new item called "Pay-dirt" could be added into the game, This item could be gained in large amounts while panning. Panning for ore could be changed into a fishing method, removing the glittering spots and allowing players to use the copper pan at anytime, this could be balanced by depending greatly on daily luck. Ore, Stone, Wood, Geodes, Artifacts, Trash, Seeds, Coral, Sea Urchins, Oysters, and other seasonal beach-items could be possible items acquired from the Pay-dirt when processed through the Rocker box. The item "Pay-dirt" could also be considered Trash and randomly acquired at low rates in Crab pots or when fishing, mining, or tilling soil, much like Clay. This could allow Panning to be more profitable and hopefully give more incentive to carry the Copper Pan. Players could save-up large amounts of Pay-dirt before going to the Rocker box, gaining an array of items once processed. Fishing Net Systems (Click the names if you want to know more about the types of net fishing) Hand net This item could be added to Willy's shop near the start of the game, without a level requirement. This method of fishing could result different items, depending on the location you are netting. The ocean could allow players to gain Seaweed at high-rates and Trash/Fish at low-rates, while netting on the shore, allowing players to farm seaweed when needed for cooking. Lakes, Rivers, and the Mines could yield unique items. Overall, i imagine this tool would only be used when players needed large amounts of low-grade items. Cast net Once a player has reached level 4 in Fishing, Willy could send a letter saying he has new items in the shop! The "Cast Net" could be like the fishing-pole, needing to be charged and thrown towards water. Willy could explain that bubbles in the water are schools of fish and the player can now use the Cast Net to catch multiple fish! This item could be used at anytime but would have little results if not cast over bubbles. Coracle net fishing A unique way of fishing, requiring two people on two separate small wooden boats. Once a player has reached at 8 hearts with Linus, could persuade him into aiding them once a month in a one day-long fishing trip. This event could be first unlocked, by showing him a gold-star fish if the player has at least 8 hearts with him. Every month after, the player can show him any type of fish and his stomach will growl.. agreeing to go with you. This conversation could only be unlocked when Linus is standing next to the lake, restricting this method to spring, summer, and fall. This method of fishing could result in a large amount of high-grade fish depending greatly on the players daily luck. A once a month event, having a short cutscene before taking the player back home with the day almost ended. This could be some-what of a "secret event" and only if players give Linus the time of day do they find out he has a unique way of catching fish, though he wont always be up for a day long fishing trip.. Bottom trawl Once a player has reached level 10 in Fishing, Willy could send a letter once every three years, asking if the player would aid him in his next big fishing trip! The player could have up to three days to meet and accept his offer before he leaves for eight to twelve days. This event could be in winter and allow the player to skip days of the month or go without Willy in the town for 8 to 12 days. If the player accepts the invitation, the next 8 to 12 days could be skipped, while rewarding players with "Crates Of Fish" and once sold in the Shipping Box, would yield large amounts of gold. Days skipped or Willy's time at sea, could be random and unpredictable. The amount of Crates received could be calculated by the amount of luck you would have had on each day skipped. Lift nets This method of fishing could be located at the Tidal Pools, near the shore or dock. Once 300 wood has been paid to fix the Broken Bridge, players can talk to Willy about fixing the "Broken Lift net", this could require another 300 wood. Once a day, players could check this net by lifting the counter-weight, hopefully giving more incentive to check the Tidal Pools each day. Fish caught could depend on luck, conditions, and fishing level. Players could build more Lift nets around the edge of the tidal pool area with the help of Willy and Robin, these nets could be built like buildings on the farm, allowing players to choose where they want the nets to be located. Maybe a max of 3 nets could be built depending on the players fishing level. The nets could also hold fish for a maximum of 3 days before expiring, allowing players to continue gaining large amounts of fish if left unchecked. The Riverland Farm could enable Willy or Robin to build these directly on your farm, in select location.
I'll go over the ideas one at a time. Glittering Boulder and Panning Revamp My only addition to this, honestly...would be for Willy to teach you the blueprints for MAKING the Rocker Box on your own land if you want...and then you can go and have Robin build it for you (but you can still go use HIS if you'd like). Hand Net I like the idea of this being a way to farm up seaweed and stuff like that. I also feel it should allow you to catch Oysters, Clams, Crayfish, etc. more often than fish, though. Cast Net I'd rather this be something ELSE, tbh. I'd rather see this become available at the same level that crab pots become available at. Rename it to "Fish Trap", and you can cast it out into the water in the same fashion. I don't like the idea of bubbles being required for it to be useful, considering how often they appear OUTSIDE OF CASTING RANGE. That said, once you cast it out into the water, it gets "set up" like crab pots, but there's a spot at the location you placed it where it's "hooked to that location". You could have to put bait in it, as well...and at the start of a day (when bait is in it) it will generate 1-5 "casts" worth of stuff. The number of "casts" it calculates will be based on your Fishing skill, but it won't GIVE YOU ACTUAL SKILL EXPERIENCE. You won't have to recast it to refill the bait, either...similar to how you don't have to pick up and replace it to reuse it. The quality of the fish could be based on the distance you were able to throw it, just like with fishing itself. It could have a higher probability of having fish be caught in it as your fishing skill increases, just like crab pots...and you could check and refill them in the same way. It will have the possibility of catching fish from that season, as well...and depend on where you placed it, as well. The Linus and WIlly Fishing Events The Linus one is fine as it is, I like that. The Willy one, though...I do like the idea, but...almost all people are going to have a lot of things to do on their farm even in winter, so 8-12 days is A LOT of time to lose. Maybe have it happen ONCE A WEEK each winter for ONE day instead (maybe have it so you can go do it every...saturday or sunday or something like that). That way you can come back and check things on the farm, etc. It should also be a yearly thing, imo...during the winter, not every 3 years. That way you have Linus' events during spring summer and fall, and willy's during the winter. Lift Nets I really like this idea. I think 5 Lift Nets should be able to be built. 3 on the beach (one on each dock end), and 2 smaller ones on each of the lakes/ponds in the area. The 3 at the beach could generate 2-5 fish per day within them, and stock up to 3 days worth of fish, resetting after the 3rd day as you said. The two at the ponds/lakes could generate 1-3 fish per day within them (they'd be smaller or something, maybe), and stock up to 3 days worth of fish, resetting after the 3rd day as you said. Make one become available to be built every 2 Fishing levels. ..... Overall, I like the ideas (except Cast Nets initial form, heh)...but...I don't really see them happening. One can hope, though! =x
I thought about that, if players could make their own it would be convenient but by forcing players to always go to Willy's shop would create incentive to gather large amounts of Pay-dirt before going to process, also i was trying to make suggestions that aimed towards the beach as a hot spot for player activity. I completely agree, i was aiming for a tool that gathers low-grade items. Maybe remove fish form the net altogether or just have an extremely low chance. i was kinda hard to imagine away for nets to be used in this game, yet id really like to see them. If your idea was picked up, i would definitely use the "Fish Trap" however, i was aiming for a tool that was used less often then the fishing-pole, much like the current version of the copper pan, only used when the player chooses to bring said tool out that day. If anything, i hope the Linus suggestion gets picked up with the Willy suggestion, i wanted it to be a hard choice between going or not. Some winters I'd be happy to go but others, like you said, would be difficult to skip. I like your idea better, i was trying to give the Tidal Pools more options.. but your idea sounds more rounded out.
Mmmm...that's fair enough, I guess. I'd still like to be able to build it on my farm, though...but I get what you're saing, heh. Another option might be to have a BOAT open up that can be used in the shore area, and you can only place the traps in the "deep parts" of the water. That way you don't necessarily have to CAST THEM OUT THERE. In this way, you could put BOTH the Fish Trap AND the net you were talking about in. However, the net could either be thrown in "for the shallow cast ones", or...if you're in the boat I mentioned above, you could approach the bubbles DIRECTLY and drop the net in it, thus being able to reach the bubbles that are normally out of range. Could have the "Cast Net" have a higher chance of giving fish under normal conditions in deeper water in this case, as well. In addition, having the boat would make it so that CA could add an area or two OFFSHORE for people to visit (maybe a special island(s) and/or seaway or something like that that will have new fish, harvestables, etc. that can be obtained there). Yeah, I like the Linus suggestion, heh. Maybe have the Willy suggestion be one where you could either GO ON THE TRIP WITH HIM, or offer to FUND the trip for him. You'd obviously get MORE out of the trip by going on it with him, but if you FUND IT, then he'd give you a portion of what he gets while he's out there (it'll always be profitable for YOU, though). I'd love for there to be some way to benefit from his trip REGARDLESS of whether you go or not, though. I still think it should be shorter than what you stated either way, though, heh. Yeah, this would also give the Tidal Pools more options. I just check the pools when I'm checking every other harvest spot, normally, twice a week (wednesday and saturday, tuesday and saturday once I finish the CC and Pierre's is open all the time).