RELEASED Skirt/Dress for Male or Female Farmer & Round Face for Males

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Alex_01, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Cyrie

    Cyrie Master Chief

    Thank you so much for this \o/ was always bothered about not having an option other than pants lol.
      Alex_01 likes this.
    • Alex_01

      Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

      The program I use is, it's pretty much a freeware version of Photoshop. But if you already own Photoshop, you might as well use that.
      • cure

        cure Pangalactic Porcupine

        totally forgot about, i have that as well. (way less confusing than photoshop which i lack experience with really)
          Alex_01 likes this.
        • BunnyBuns

          BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

          Ahhh thank you I made a post about wanting this and honestly thought it went unnoticed
          Heyo you can use basically well anything I use SAI
          • cure

            cure Pangalactic Porcupine

          • Qwynn

            Qwynn Industrial Terraformer

            Will do, thank you!
              Alex_01 likes this.
            • BunnyBuns

              BunnyBuns Subatomic Cosmonaut

            • cure

              cure Pangalactic Porcupine

              awesome! ty
              • jml

                jml Orbital Explorer

                It blends perfectly with the game's art style, and it looks amazing. :nuruflirt: I will definitely be using this all the time now.
                  Alex_01 likes this.
                • StardewLaunchPlayer

                  StardewLaunchPlayer And Do the MONKEY!

                  What is this one?
                  • GregMetasoma

                    GregMetasoma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    Awww that's so cute!!! Fantastic job.
                      Alex_01 likes this.
                    • cure

                      cure Pangalactic Porcupine

                      StardewLaunchPlayer likes this.
                    • Alex_01

                      Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      cure and StardewLaunchPlayer like this.
                    • Elengeness

                      Elengeness Space Hobo

                      Thank you!
                        Alex_01 likes this.
                      • 1340nguyen

                        1340nguyen Seal Broken

                        Can I request blue skirt for male and female? The kind that fits together with a sailor uniform, please.
                        • Meevers

                          Meevers Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          The skirt replaces the pants which you can recolour yourself in game (remember when you created your character?). So you can change it to whatever blue you want. If you've already started the game get the wizard to 4/5 hearts to get access to his basement
                          to change your appearance at any time for a fee of 500g
                            Alex_01 and StardewLaunchPlayer like this.
                          • LinkOfStardewValley

                            LinkOfStardewValley Space Spelunker


                            This'll be handy for when I make a character based on me irl.
                              Alex_01 likes this.
                            • GSPU

                              GSPU Phantasmal Quasar

                              If there was patterns that goes along with a specific shirt, that'd be hella cute.

                              But since that function isn't in, the time to do it on all would be hella long.

                              I can deal without it no problem, which is hella... okay.

                              But the idea is there, and that's hella cool.
                              • PotatOSLament

                                PotatOSLament Master Chief

                                I took the file and fixed some of the transparent pixels on your feet when swinging a sword and issues with the skirt being offset to the left when walking towards the camera with an item in your hands.
                      !iopX1ABS!7FOvvMevg9eJbk0Kp7xGIVC_u8n0M_loiYfp7pclwyg(Link is broken now)

                                Credit to original creator (obviously). I only added about 10 or so pixels and moved two of the sprites around a bit.
                                  Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
                                  Alex_01 likes this.
                                • Alex_01

                                  Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                  Great job on the merge! Just wondering if you're okay with me adding your link to the OP so people don't have to go through the comments for it? :nuruawe:

                                  Thank you for fixing it, any help is great! Are you okay if I add your link to the OP so people don't have to go through the comments for it? :nuruawe:

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