RELEASED Skirt/Dress for Male or Female Farmer & Round Face for Males

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Alex_01, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. cure

    cure Pangalactic Porcupine

    really? I've never had a male so i didnt know the difference. It looks good on him heh.

    Edit: Honestly I kind of like it.
    [​IMG] vs.[​IMG]
    • Alex_01

      Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I've updated the OP with the fixed male swimwear, sorry about that, Haha!

      It does look good. Is it okay if I add your version to the OP?
        cure likes this.
      • cure

        cure Pangalactic Porcupine

        of course! :)
          Alex_01 likes this.
        • Alex_01

          Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I've uploaded the Shorter Skirt variant. It's not perfect, but I think it looks good. I hope you all like it! :nuruawe:
            StardewLaunchPlayer and Rosalie like this.
          • CosyAlligator

            CosyAlligator Aquatic Astronaut

            How does this work with armour boots? Because it looks like it was the farmer's boots that were edited more than the skirt itself, so does this work with boots you get for the mines too or would it then look similar to the old skirt?
            • Alex_01

              Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

              Sorry, I wish I knew. I haven't gotten far enough in the game for me to be able to test that. But if anyone who has them is able to test it, that would be great!
              • Abokado

                Abokado Subatomic Cosmonaut


                Works with the space boots. I assume it works with brown boots, but it's difficult to see.

                Great job, Alex_01! I love the short skirt. <3

                Also works with the black boots!

                I think it's safe to assume they work with all kinds of shoes. (Also, keeping the black ones now, I look snazzy!)
                  Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
                  CosyAlligator and Alex_01 like this.
                • Alex_01

                  Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  Thank you very much for testing it for me, glad you love it! <3
                    CosyAlligator likes this.
                  • CosyAlligator

                    CosyAlligator Aquatic Astronaut

                    Awesome, thanks guys!
                      Alex_01 likes this.
                    • She Meows

                      She Meows Subatomic Cosmonaut

                      How cute is that<3
                      Thanks again!
                        StardewLaunchPlayer and Alex_01 like this.
                      • Alex_01

                        Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                        That is adorable! No worries, glad you like it. :nuruwink:
                        • CosyAlligator

                          CosyAlligator Aquatic Astronaut

                          eeee I am in love with this mod!!

                          After a couple little facial edits my farmer is perfect <3

                          [​IMG] [​IMG]
                            cure, Alex_01 and StardewLaunchPlayer like this.
                          • Rosalie

                            Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                            aaaa so cute!! thank you so much for your hard work alex <3

                            I was trying to do this myself!! kept failing at repacking it though... not sure why :rofl:
                            super cute though! would you mind uploading this for me? or PMing it?
                              Alex_01 likes this.
                            • CosyAlligator

                              CosyAlligator Aquatic Astronaut

                              Sure! I've uploaded it here!

                              Let me know if it works for you ^-^
                                Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
                                snowcandy likes this.
                              • Rosalie

                                Rosalie Cosmic Narwhal

                                works perfect!! thank you <3
                                  CosyAlligator likes this.
                                • RuneNL

                                  RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                  Was working on some changes that included your mod. Just seen that you updated your mod.

                                  Time to download the newer version :). Thanks!
                                  • Alex_01

                                    Alex_01 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                    I've fixed some issues for my Shorter Skirt variant and the Male Farmer Dress, I've uploaded the updated versions in the OP.
                                    • swpau

                                      swpau Ketchup Robot

                                      oh..ur green dress so beautiful...can u share it (dress mod) for public?
                                      • RuneNL

                                        RuneNL Subatomic Cosmonaut

                                        Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
                                      • HyoKwon

                                        HyoKwon Intergalactic Tourist

                                        i have one question how can blusher

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