So I've gotten the Cryptic Note about level 100 in the Skull Cavern, and I've tried three times now to get down there. Every time I had the highest luck, spicy eel, tons of bombs, and got there the moment I could. I haven't gotten below 65. It seems like finding the holes is harder than before. I can find plenty of ladders, but the holes are few and far between and rarely send me more than 3 to 8 levels. Has anyone gotten down there yet in the beta? Am I just impatient?
I've gotten down there! It took a long time trying, even with a bunch of bombs and stacks of stones on a lucky day, but I finally got there at 1:50am. So, yes, it is doable.
Ack. I missed the 'Beta' part of the thread title. I was thinking the original Skull Cavern. Just ignore me... I'm ok with that.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I actually got down there not long after creating this thread. Lots of stairs and luck got me there.
I heard that they were playing poker! Regarding the skull mine, I think the furthest I've been is level 17, I don't have a "time stops in the mine" mod and trying to get away from 8 serpents swarming me was not fun (I wound up getting away...with 1 whopping HP left...)
I was so intrigued to get to this floor. Of course, I was under-prepared (not enough bombs or stone) But I managed to craft bombs to get me to floor 97 at 1:50am. I ended up using the "quest menu exploit" to keep myself from passing out so I could make it through the next 3 floors... and lucky me, floors 98 & 99 had the ladders already revealed, no need to blow up any rocks to find them. I really love the changes that CA made to the cave, the new monsters, the iridium crabs scare the hell out of me every time I try to break them open. The new monsters drop great loot (I need more batteries!) And the chance to stumble upon a floor that has a chest on it is great. Can't believe I got 5 farm totems and 1 seed maker. These additions really breathed new life into the skull caverns for me.