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RELEASED Sky Tram 1.01

Build your Aerial Tramway

  1. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

  2. shark213

    shark213 Phantasmal Quasar

    There's tiny error in your skytram1_arrows.frames
    changing the "size" to [ 40, 48 ] seems to fix the problem.

    it does nothing but popping up error in the log though :casper:
    Pohany likes this.
  3. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

    Strangely I do not have such an error, but I will change the values in [.frames] file.
    Ignore all errors about ff_bambooshoot! [​IMG]
    Thank ye!
    shark213 likes this.
  4. Pohany

    Pohany Parsec Taste Tester

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