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RELEASED skywind08's Anime Music Pack [Requests and Problems] 2.2

965 Japanese-related songs for your adventuring days.

  1. Baron46

    Baron46 Void-Bound Voyager

    please add:
    Hatsune Miku - Yellow
    Hatsune Miku - redial
    Haven/Miku - personality complex
    Gumi - A Fake, Fake, Psychotropic
    Any song from Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku
    and this :
  2. kissanima

    kissanima Space Hobo

    umm...can u upload the unpack music because I just need the music not the mod
    and I dont have the game..so I cant use the unpacker in win32bit thing folder :3
    pls help :3
  3. ColaDoPudim

    ColaDoPudim Big Damn Hero

    where is TLoZ ocarina of time songs ;-; (like song of time, song of storms, etcetera
  4. MiamotoRei

    MiamotoRei Starship Captain

    Change "Megaman Zero - Storm Owl", to "Megaman X4 - Storm Owl"
  5. moo930506

    moo930506 Big Damn Hero

    WT? Death waltz? its fake news!!please fix it :rofl:
  6. Daffa2831

    Daffa2831 Space Hobo

    i need non pak version please
  7. _Unknown5

    _Unknown5 Space Hobo

    same here
  8. nutsmeg

    nutsmeg Space Hobo

    Wel well well, just found this and there is no way to unpak these files, I tried so many methods and it doesnt seem to work

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