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Bug/Issue Slingshot is have problem when play to use xbox elite 2 controller in ipad version.

Discussion in 'Support' started by Long_LeHwa, Nov 22, 2020.

  1. Long_LeHwa

    Long_LeHwa Space Hobo

    I found bug in ios & ipad os version. It's occur when play game with use connected xbox controller.

    When master Slingshot in my hand and if move use controllers 'L' stick or Dpad.

    Slingshot itself shot very stranger. also can't aiming, just fire anywhere.
    You know slingshot is use stones to ammo.
    But when use ammo that's very quickly gone. (That's issue I hope watch screenshot. I sent screenshot about that)

    Sorry my English not good. If you can translate Korean check this down.

    Stardew vally를 Ios와 ipad os에서 xbox elite 2 controller로 게임을 즐기는데 오류를 찾았습니다.
    게임 내부에 새총이라는 무기가 존재를 하는데 이걸 손에들고 L stick이나 Dpad로 조작하여, 이동할 경우
    새총이 저절로 발사되는 bug를 발견했습니다. 이게 방향 조준이 되지도 않고, 그냥 아무 방향으로나 발사됩니다.
    아시다시피 새총은 돌을 탄환으로 사용합니다.
    더군다나 또다른 bug인데, 이게 또 너무 빨리 발사되서 없어집니다. (이 issue에 대한건 첨부해드린 screenshot을 참고해주셨으면 좋겠네요.)

    I found an error when playing Stardew vally on Ios and ipad os with xbox elite 2 controller.
    There is a weapon called a slingshot in the game, but if you hold it in your hand and use the L stick or Dpad to move it
    We found a bug where the slingshot could fire by itself. It doesn't aim for direction, it just fires in any direction.
    As you know, slingshots use stones as bullets.
    Moreover, it's another bug, it fires too quickly and disappears. (I hope you refer to the attached screenshot for this issue.)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2020
    • Iris Blanche

      Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

      The forum rules require you to provide an english translation on your own. I've added one for you this time.
      Also avoid doubleposts.

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