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WIP Slot Machine

Discussion in 'Furniture and Objects' started by Supergeek, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Supergeek

    Supergeek Cosmic Narwhal

    Latest update on my slot machine.


    Right now, for testing, I just have to activate it with E, but the release will take a dropped copper ore as payment until we can have objects "charge" pixels.

    There are 7 random "pips" that can come up. Lemons, cherries, bananas, bars, sevens, shamrocks, and diamonds. Rolling 2 or more of each will give a prize, except lemons. Cherries give tomatoes, the bananas give bananas. Bars, sevens, and shamrocks give pixels. Diamonds give diamonds.

    I just need to add sounds and it's pretty much done.

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