Modding Help [SMAPI] An error occured in the overridden update loop:

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Kuro_Playz, May 13, 2020.

  1. Kuro_Playz

    Kuro_Playz Orbital Explorer

    can any help me with this error my friend tries to join the game and gets stuck on the loading menu can anyone help, I dont know what to due I think there might be n item error breaking the game. I can send the save file to anyone who thinks they can help.
    • Kuro_Playz

      Kuro_Playz Orbital Explorer

      this is the error that comes up.

        Attached Files:

      • Kuro_Playz

        Kuro_Playz Orbital Explorer

        if you get this error and you have the animal husbandry mod get rid of the meat cleaver its fucks your game

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