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Bug/Issue SMAPI Help?

Discussion in 'Support' started by torchadam, Dec 17, 2019.

  1. torchadam

    torchadam Space Hobo

    The gf and I have been playing modded Stardew Valley for awhile (through SMAPI) and we have this world going that we really enjoy playing. However since we've recently updated our mods - I can no longer join the world. After I select my character it fades black (The back button menu music mute and minimize are still there) and I cannot join. The promt is spammed with several lines of red text.

    The mods we use are
    Stardew Valley Expanded (And its' required mods)
    NPC Clothing
    Artisan Valley (And its' Required mods)
    And Animal Crossing Digspot - Worm Replacement

    I hope this link the log works: https://smapi.io/log/3404c2a393ae4826a73f14a2d67f6ac6 It might have repeated lines because I saved it upon trying to join the world more than once.

    It's to note that it seems to only be this world, I was able to join a world we previously played on however we made it really far on this farm and we don't wish to start over. If someone can lend a hand I'd be very grateful :)

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