RELEASED [SMAPI] InstantGrowTrees--Grow trees overnight!

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by cantorsdust, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. cantorsdust

    cantorsdust Existential Complex

    Current Version: for SMAPI 0.39.

    Allows any tree that can grow to be instantly grown overnight. Configurable for regular trees and/or fruit trees.

    By cantorsdust.


    The zip contains one folder, InstantGrowTrees, with three files InstantGrowTrees.dll, config.json, and manifest.json. The folder must be placed in %appdata%\StardewValley\Mods.

    Thus, the total path for all 3 of the files required for this mod to function are:





    REQUIRES SMAPI 0.39+ to be installed!


    Run StardewModdingAPI.exe in your main Stardew Valley folder. This will load the mods and then start the game.
    Any saplings or tree seeds planted that meet the base game requirements to grow (space around them) will grow instantly overnight.

    Please note that this game comes with a config.json file with three options:

    "FruitTreesInstantGrow": false,
    "RegularTreesInstantGrow": true,
    "RegularTreesGrowInWinter": false
    FruitTreesInstantGrow, which defaults to false. Setting to true will have fruit trees grow overnight. Setting to false disables this.
    RegularTreesInstantGrow, which defaults to true. Setting to true will have regular trees (oak, maple, and pine) grow overnight. Setting to false disables this.
    RegularTreesGrowInWinter, which defaults to false. Setting to true will have regular trees continue to grow in winter. The base game does not allow regular trees to do so. Setting to false disables this.


    InstantGrowTrees is licensed under GPL v3. You will find a copy of its source at the same place you downloaded it,

    Copyright 2016 cantorsdust

    InstantGrowTrees is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    InstantGrowTrees is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with InstantGrowTrees. If not, see <>.


    Updated to SMAPI 0.39, initial public release.

    Download from releases.

    Source code at github.
      WARBANDIT, Neferatem, Jammee and 6 others like this.
    • TerraXanthis

      TerraXanthis Void-Bound Voyager

      Really useful stuff, especially since the recent addition of tree resin/syrup/etc. as a requirement for artisan goods crafting. Thanks!
      • fdg21

        fdg21 Subatomic Cosmonaut

        the trees for apples and ect dont grow fast but the others do thanks ^^
        • cantorsdust

          cantorsdust Existential Complex

          Change FruitTreesInstantGrow to true in the config. I've tested it myself, I know it works.
          • RPGAngel

            RPGAngel Phantasmal Quasar

            I would love to use this but I only have smapi 37 and don't know how to update it(a friend helped me get the smapi). Do you still have the older version?
            • fdg21

              fdg21 Subatomic Cosmonaut

              i tried that but it still wont work, seems im having issues installing this...^^"
              • cantorsdust

                cantorsdust Existential Complex

                The earliest version I made this for was 0.38, so it wouldn't help you. To update to 0.39, go to download 0.39.2 zip, and unzip that into your main Stardew Valley folder.

                So the path for the files should be





                You can always post a picture of where you have it installed if you are unsure.

                Edit: You can confirm in the SMAPI console window that the mod has loaded correctly, as well.
                • Vith

                  Vith Cosmic Narwhal

                  To me, trees grow really slow, but I love to decorate with them. This allows me to decorate without waiting too long, so you have my full thanks and appreciation. :)
                  • fdg21

                    fdg21 Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    yeah i noticed this too the ones that i plant on the third space never grow but if i plant them in fourth space they grow instantly
                    • Dilwoah

                      Dilwoah Void-Bound Voyager

                      Is there any way to get a version of this with configurable times? Say I want them in 14 days rather than 28? Rather than just instant.
                      • Goldenrevolver

                        Goldenrevolver Astral Cartographer

                        you mean for fruit trees? normal trees growth rates are totally random in the vanilla game. this mod simply sets all trees to the last growth stage every new day. if u want to make fruit trees to grow twice as fast u could simply make a mod that copies the vanilla fruit tree "script" that happens every day so it now happens twice every new day. if u want that i could simply do that for you in a couple of minutes

                        edit: i added it as an optional for my mod "a tappers dream" . hope u dont mind cantorsdust
                          Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
                          curi0 likes this.
                        • Levaslater

                          Levaslater Big Damn Hero

                          Does it work with trees from other mods too? or just the vanilla ones.
                          • Goldenrevolver

                            Goldenrevolver Astral Cartographer

                            it checks for all terrainfeatures and filters the ones that are from the class tree or fruittree. so if other mods add them that way they should grow instantly aswell. whats the mod in question?
                            • Levaslater

                              Levaslater Big Damn Hero

                            • Dilwoah

                              Dilwoah Void-Bound Voyager

                              Wow this is awesome. Thanks for adding my feature! Definitely will be using it.
                              • Entoarox

                                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                Any chance for a mod that makes the tree growth speed less random without making it instant?
                                I would like it if the tree has a random chance of growing each day, but is guaranteed to grow if it hasnt in the last three.
                                Idk if that is possible though, so I'd be more then happy to have a fixed growth time instead.

                                Right now I feel like RNGsus is not favoring my trees, cause the ones I need it to grow never did :(

                                PS: If this could include a version of `trees grow in winter` that only allows for the evergreen's to grow, that'd be awesome! :D
                                • Goldenrevolver

                                  Goldenrevolver Astral Cartographer

                                  i could look into that. basically i would need to disable the vanilla tree growth completely and make them grow with a similar method than fruit trees. but i dont want to discuss all this on cantorsdust' mod page. i think its already disrespectful enough that i linked my own mod here.
                                  • Oboromusha

                                    Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

                                  • Levaslater

                                    Levaslater Big Damn Hero

                                    Thanks, gonna try it out now!
                                    • Oboromusha

                                      Oboromusha Pangalactic Porcupine

                                      But open the config.json and edit the value for fruit trees to "true", this way all trees will grow instantly on the next morning.

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