It seems that the Craftables.xnb file does not change, the file in the game gets used over the one in the mod. This happens with CraftingRecipes.xnb, mail.xnb, and ObjectInformation.xnb from the Data folder, though I am only sure about the first one not working but since these are the only files I have in the Data folder, I'll just assume all of them don't work. I've override the original files, because it could be an issue with the .xnb, but they worked just fine! I hope my error log can help you!
I checked, craftables get reset.... the best I can think of is that Seasonal Immersion is unintentionally conflicting with XnbLoader in handling the craftables, please check without SI if the problem still occurs. I have no resets for CraftingRecipes.xnb or mail.xnb, so those may need to be added to the reset whitelist, I will get on that when I have some time to dig through the SDV source to figure out where if anywhere those things are being assigned...
@Entoarox you're right, Seasonal Immersion conflicts with XnbLoader! I tried it without SI and the craftables appeared! Below is the error log, in case it helps!
No, I already know what the issue is. You see, in order to allow craftables to be different indoor and outdoor, SI remembers the default craftables texture, but that default texture is the one from before XnbLoader does its job... It should be a small enough patch to have SI remember the craftables version in a smarter way...
I'm very new to ALL of this, but have modded in Minecraft and Sims 4 so I understand dropping things into files. but how do I use the loader? is it in game? or is it just another place to paste files. thank you
After you've downloaded XNB Loader and put it into your mod files, if you download any other mods that change XNB files, you place them inside the ModContent folder (inside the XNB Loader) in their respective location. It's just like downloading any other mod but instead of replacing the default file in the game, you put it into XNB Loader instead. For example if you had a custom Horse skin you wanted to use, instead of going into the game files to replace Horse.xnb with your custom skin, you would go: [Stardew Folder] > Mods > XNBLoader > ModContent > Animals and place your Horse.xnb file there instead and it will show up in the game without touching your default files.
I was trying to do something like this, but ended up giving up as I didn't have sufficient knowledge to get it to work right. I'm just glad that it got done, this can be an enormous help.
Hi there, thanks for this mod. I noticed a minor issue which you may or may not wish to address. I came across this when using a portrait pack where some of the file names, for whatever reason, weren't capitalized by the mod author, even though the default game files are. When having the pack installed manually previously, this worked just fine. When I switched over to using Xnb Loader, those characters whose files weren't capitalized were using the default portrait. Is there any way to make it not care about case, because I don't think the game does, and this might cause confusion with some users who end up thinking a mod doesn't work, etc. I only figured it out because I used Lookup Anything in the social tab to check the portraits, Abigail happened to be on top and was one of the affected, and then I checked everyone else and easily noticed the pattern. I don't know how common it is for mod authors to not name their files with the proper case, but if it's easy for you to support, it may save some annoying troubleshooting for you or someone else.
Unfortunately, it is only windows where capitalization doesnt matter, it does matter on linux and mac, and XnbLoader was designed to be cross-platform, thus windows funky behaviour with capitalization isnt allowed by it...
Ran into an issue modding farmer_base.xnb (and probably farmer_girl_base.xnb but haven't tested it) Using the mod here: When I overwrite the files in stardew content folder the mod works perfectly, when I put it in the modcontent folder in xnb loader though it doesn't work. I've got other xnb mods in the modcontent folder that DO work, it just seems to be these files that are having trouble.
unfortunately, CA's code makes backup references to some files, so for those files I need to explicitly replace the backup reference, most likely with the farmer sprite I do not yet do that.... I am currently looking into the references I need to replace, so unless I find that they are beyond my ability to replace, expect the next EntoFramework update (That is where the reset code resides) to fix it. Edit: Yep, the farmer base sprite is hard-referenced, I updated my source to allow forced reset of the hard-reference like it does all the others.
Entoarox updated Xnb Loader with a new update entry: Update to SMAPI 1.9 Read the rest of this update entry...
XNB Loader isn't loading the furniture.xnb for me at all. It still loads everything else though and there's no errors in the error log.
Furniture might have been added to the static files list in 1.2 >_< I will get on that.... Edit: EntoFramework 1.7.1 is out, this updates the static files list for 1.2
Edit: Found the problem! Disregard my font-alignment issue. Edit2: I feel like a fool for not noticing this earlier, but the XNB's of locations aren't working anymore either, like Karmylla's edits to certain locations. Sorry for all the edits... >_<;
Oh shot, don't say thaaaaaaaat, I was hoping to update the mod by the end of the week!!!! Can you tell me how the map edits were affected? You may do it a private message, if you prefer! I Imagine that the issues happen due to the extra .xnb files in different languages, but I might be wrong...