Below is the Imgur link to the drawings for a UI solution to logic gates. Problem Logic Gates too large, take up wall space. Complex circuits difficult or impossible with current limitations. Proposed Solution Establish interface to allow multiple logic gates to be placed in a container-like object, and to be arranged and connected inside the container, thus removing the need to take up wall space with gates. Text Description Activating a Container object opens the Logic Gate Arrangement window. Input zone on the left. Grid placement zone in the middle. Output zone on the right. Logic gates contained on bottom. The logic gates would be stackable inside this container, minimizing UI space used. A grid inventory could be used as well if stacking is not possible. Logic gates are clicked and placed on the grid. The player clicks a node on the left, attaches it to the logic gate inside the grid, and then attaches the gate's output node to the Main Output node on the right. The Main Input and Main Output nodes are color coded. Player can add or subtract inputs and outputs. The maximum number would be limited by how advanced/large the container is. Upgraded containers would be smaller and allow for more inputs and outputs. When mousing over the container object with the Wire Tool equipped, floating inputs and outputs appear and remain onscreen until either the another tool is selected, or the player mouses over another Logic Container object. Those floating nodes are color coded like the ones inside the UI, to allow the player to easily track those inputs/outputs. Conclusion Complex circuits would now be possible, and multiple simple circuits could exist in a single object. The logic Container object could be a computer, power box, electrical panel, etc. This would add further immersion and give more functionality to what were previously only decorative items. Let me know what you think below.