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SOLVED: Quest and event IDs?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Gouldiae, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. Gouldiae

    Gouldiae Seal Broken

    Hi, I'm new :)

    I was seeing if anyone knows how to access the quest and event IDs for SMAPI console commands and how to enter one into SMAPI using the correct format? There are lists out there for item IDs in-game but I haven't been able to find a list of quest or event IDs, even though they are referenced in the 'debug commands' wiki page.

    I'm hoping to skip past a quest to progress without having to do it and was seeing if anyone knows if there is a command to show a list of IDs or an existing list of quest and event IDs available.

    According to the wiki, marking a quest as complete can be done using the below command:

    completeQuest <I:ID>

    There is another below command that is supposed to mark an event as seen, which is why knowing event IDs would be useful too:

    eventseen, seenevent <I:ID>

    Hopefully somebody knows something about this? I haven't been able to find any info so far and would appreciate any advice
      Last edited: May 5, 2019
    • MouseyPounds

      MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

      Quests are listed in Content\Data\Quests.xnb; the easiest thing to do is just extract that file and look at the resulting json/yaml file, but here's a pastebin of the list. In terms of event IDs, they are listed in a variety of files; there is a tab on the Event Modder's Resource spreadsheet which lists all the vanilla IDs with brief descriptions.
      • Gouldiae

        Gouldiae Seal Broken

        Thanks very much! I'll look into that now :)
        • Gouldiae

          Gouldiae Seal Broken

          Sorry to be a complete noob :p But I'm not sure exactly how to input these commands wherever they need to go (in smapi or in the files) and how exactly to lay them out.

          For example, the seenevent <I:ID> command would be done how?

          Also, what program do I need to extract the files?

          Sorry again and thanks!
          • MouseyPounds

            MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

          • Gouldiae

            Gouldiae Seal Broken

            Ok, so I tried marking an unseen event as already seen using that format and smapi came up with:

            "[Console Commands] Sent debug command to the game, but there was no output."

            And I also tried extracting the quest XNBs using xnbcli and replaced the 'false' in the quest string with 'true' to hopefully mark an incomplete quest as complete and repacked the files, but the game would not start after that. So I replaced the modified xnb with the backup I made so the game runs ok again now.

            This one's really got me stumped, although I do have noooo idea what I'm doing to be fair!
            • MouseyPounds

              MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

              • Most debug commands don't give output as they are meant for devs, not for players.
              • Editing the quest file won't do anything for a current save, it'll just change the parameters of the quest.
              What exactly are you trying to fix?
              • Gouldiae

                Gouldiae Seal Broken

                Oh ok, that makes sense :)

                I'm trying to skip the 'Meet The Wizard' quest so that I can read the junimo notes and progress with the community center bundles without having to to enter the wizard tower or see the cauldron cut scene. I know it would seem like a weird quest to want to skip because all I'd have to do to complete it is to literally enter the wizard tower, but I am hoping to be able to avoid the wizard entirely for personal reasons.

                If it's not possible then I will just side with joja to be able to upgrade the town, but I'm not a huge fan of them and will only do that if I can't skip the 'meet the wizard' quest or mark the cauldron event as seen in order to read the junimo notes.

                Thanks again for all the replies!
                • MouseyPounds

                  MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                  OK, so you'd want to try the following 3 commands. Type them with the exact capitalization shown because it may matter.
                  debug completeQuest 1
                  debug seenmail canReadJunimoText
                  debug seenevent 112
                  The first command will remove the "Meet the Wizard" quest from your log, the second will give you the ability to read the bundle tablets, and the third will make sure that if you ever enter the wizard's tower the event with the cauldron won't play. You probably won't get any output from any of them so the only way you can see if they worked is by in-game changes (e.g. the quest going away and you being able to read the tablets)
                  • Gouldiae

                    Gouldiae Seal Broken

                    It worked! Thank you so much :D You are an absolute legend and I really appreciate all your thorough answers and that you took the time out of your last few days to research them for me.
                    You've totally made my day and now I can finally progress with the community center the way I wanted :)
                      MouseyPounds likes this.
                    • Drax97

                      Drax97 Intergalactic Tourist

                      Ok so I’m trying to see the event in mines when you enter the first time I’ve tried the debug but don’t know what I am doing

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