Simply put, windows such as inventory/crafting/containers/etc should remember their positions after being closed. Looting multiple crates in succession in dungeons gets pretty irritating when every time you open one, your inventory and container window get put up right over your character, requiring you to move them out of the way to highlight and open the next box; Every. Single. Time. This also makes it very easy for you to take a cheap hit from a nearby monster as the windows get in the way of you being able to see them and click the screen to attack. (I get that maybe it would make sense that you're busy looting and unable to fight back, but you can still attack with the menus open, so it's really not like theres an intended risk factor to looting with monsters nearby, it's just an unnecessary annoyance imposed on the player.)
This is really bugging me as well. The different windows get in the way all the time. I remember one of the devs mentioning they wanted to fix this so I hope they will change how window positioning works before 1.0. This would be a great QoL-improvement to polish the game.
What also needs to happen is that mouseover item windows need to position themselves relative to the game window, it gets rather annoying that an item description falls below the viewable portion of the screen.
You are so right. That happens with food all the, so you have to reposition the window to see how fresh it is. Really annoying and unnecessary.
Honestly, this is the only bug I've found on the 1.0 game so far, and seriously, it needs fixing ASAP. Just seeing the special of a weapon is hard because it gets thrown below the screen.
Honestly this shouldn't even NEED a mod to fix, it's basic ui design! A ui fails if it cannot adequately provide information the player needs and/or the information is needlessly obstructed. If this was an RTS they'd be hung, but I digress.
This and the the fact that you can't expand or contract the list windows is my current annoyance with the UI. I am reluctant to mod because I have a multiplayer server with 7-9 people in different time zones who are on at different times; and getting everyone on the same version would get complicated. Really though - if windows remembered where they were and I didn't have to spend 3 minutes scrolling through bookmarks at the teleporter I'd be a much happier explorer.
Yeah its horribly annoying and should be easy to fix. Honestly the main issue for me isn't the positioning its that when you press E the priority is to activate whatever your character is near, instead of closing the inventory window if it's open. Looting multiple chests can be super annoying because of this. Just fix it please, it's been like this for years, nobody likes it.
Here's what I do to avoid it -- since the looting box always shows up in the middle of the screen I pan the camera with the control key until my player is towards the top or the bottom and NOT obstructed by the crate contents. Then you can middle-click around on all the boxes near you too which is very handy, say on your ship full of boxes.