Mob Space Rats

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Ravenous Space Rat, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    Please leave a comment! positive or negative.
    1. Space Rats are pesky vermin that like to feed off trash and other things. They are weak alone but in packs can be quite strong and might prove a problem if a infestation occurs on your space station! Habitat : Space Rats live in highly populated areas,swamps,and caves. Description: Space Rats are grey with brown bellies and have skinny tails. Since they have lived in caves for most of there lives there eyes have imploded down into there heads. There arms are stronger than there legs due to not having any legs in there prior evolution and now use there arms to rip up machinery. They are eight inches high and are about 3 1/2 inches wide ( not counting arms).
    • Behavior
    Normal space rats will walk around if there is no player around,but if they spot one they will follow them back to there homes as stealthily as they can. If there is just one there should be nothing to worry about but if there is at least two then a infestation could happen. But you may ask yourself "what exactly do they do wrong?" Well I will tell you. They will steal items out of your chests and bring them to there mouse holes just for the fun of it! But don't worry there mouse hole should be nearby and should be easy to fight through the hordes of rats (Depends on how much are living there though).They can also damage machinery, but nothing you can't fix

    • Even though there eyes have imploded they have a great sense of smell!
    Luxury Space Rats:This special breed of Space Rat is what happens when Space Rats eat gold slivers, gold ingots, gold nuggets, and basically anything made out of gold!
    History: Luxury Space Rats where discovered when a gold mine collapsed on a unusually big colony of normal Space Rats. After a Galactic Safety Ambulance arrived to save the miners a few days earlier, they managed to dig a few of the unconscious miners out of the rubble (the surviving ones that is). And once the miners came back to there senses they explained that there were saved by living pieces of gold that held up the cave! The Galactic Council did not believe this and sent a research party to search for what saved the miners. After a while of finding nothing there one of the scientists say a shining piece of metal in the distance and picked it up and he was shocked to find out it was a golden Space Rat! After the discovery Gold Space Rats were named Luxury Space Rats and became pets for posh people who have nothing better to do.
    Description: Luxury Space Rats are the same as normal Space Rats in height and width but are different because they have gold skin,shorter tails,and grey bellies that are just reminders of there past. Depending on the gender Luxury Space Rats will have a different tail and crown.

    Behavior: Luxury Space Rats are not the brightest animal but are like collage professors compared to normal Space Rats! As I said in the history they are mostly pets and love to just sit down and do nothing, (Some are into recreational activities,but not much) so they should not be a problem. But if you make one angry they can set traps for you (These traps don't kill you but are annoying)! But lets say you make friends with one and make it your pet! They can become very loyal and treat you like a "King" or "Queen",and many people have strong bonds with there luxury space rats. Of course some go into the wild and become the parts of terrifying stories like the one below.


    Male Luxury Space Rat: This gender of Luxury Space Rat has a short tail that looks like the club on a playing card and has a crown that resembles a imperial crown.

    Female Luxury Space Rat: This gender of Luxury Space Rat has a short tail that looks like the spade on a playing card and has a crown with a giant diamond in the middle of four golden support bars.

    The Crown: There is much mystery behind where the Luxury Space Rats get there crowns from but the truth is that it is.........there brain! Sort of,you see when a Space Rat eats gold its mind power is increased,but its puny skull can not hold such information so after a while the brain sends out all the thoughts and they get crystallized into something related to gold,wealth,and money,preferably crowns! And so the dimwitted Space Rat hold so much information on its head and it does not even know! The crown does however constantly sends thoughts of how to live a lazy and wealthy life into its brain little by little!

    Use in-game

    Normal Space Rats

    • Can be kept as pets
    • Used as food (If there is food)
    • Can be sold for pixels (If there are space merchants or something)
    • Can activate a event called a infestation where they would run around in your space station and destroy equipment if the space station is dirty or you let two on-board (so make sure to clean!).
    • Possibly have a disease that spreads?
    Luxury Space Rats
    • Can be kept as a fancy pet
    • Sold for a lot of pixels
    • There crowns could be food for mindwurms :mindwurm:
    • There crowns could be information storage
    • Possibly used as food
    Spawn Rates

    Normal Space Rat: 20% in wild and 60% in populated areas/or can be bought
    Luxury Space Rat: As rare as gold is/or can be bought
    Normal Space Rat: Space rat meat 100%
    Luxury Space Rat: Space rat crown 7%, gold 10%
    Fun Facts!
    Luxury Space Rats seem to be getting increased intelligence and are making bigger and better colonies!
    (playable race if they grow bigger???)

    (All drawings where made by the wonderful Nirn!,tell me if you like the idea!)
  2. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    What do you think?
    aquaclaw likes this.
  3. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    [​IMG]Your MS paint skills :mspaint:
    NotAnAnon likes this.
  4. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm sorry the picture does not show up?

    ............. Was it a good or bad picture.........
  5. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    it shows a chart going up. Your MS paint skills.
    NotAnAnon likes this.
  6. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't know if i can trust you......:lod:
  7. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

  8. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

  9. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    NotAnAnon likes this.
  10. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm guessing the "t" was a typo

    LordChickenMan likes this.
  11. LordChickenMan

    LordChickenMan Zeromus

    Yes it was a typo

    never even read it
    NotAnAnon likes this.
  12. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    One person liking the idea is good I guess.
  13. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    It is a nice concept, the only issue is just the pictures. Try using pictures from google? Or perhaps hunt down someone willing to take requests on devianart.

    I like the idea of space rats though.
  14. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    Thank you! But.... I don't think any one would.

    I could drawn pictures if I had a scanner.
  15. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    Should I just remove the images?
  16. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Perhaps, another way to tell people how your creature looks is though words. This can make it more appealing because each person can see what they idealize as cool or nice looking.
  17. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I think i already did that?
  18. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    ah well you should be all set then :up:
  19. Ravenous Space Rat

    Ravenous Space Rat Cosmic Narwhal

    I wonder if Dragonith could draw me something???
  20. Marshall.Duke

    Marshall.Duke Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would suggest taking the pictures down... As soon as I saw them I thought it was a troll idea from Lordchickenman. Let the words draw for now, the pictures are very distracting.

    EDIT: You actually did really good, for ms paint. but its still ms paint.

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