Special Shield

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Chaos, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Chaos

    Chaos Master Chief

    Well, I just readed the shields post and I i think that there should be a "Mirror Shield" or something like that, that is used to rebound or make the enemy lasers bounce on it and go back. The melee weapons wont be blocked. And you also could make a shield (with normal shield and mirror shield) thatcan block melee and bounce lasers.
    The mirror shield
    Just saying. It could be nice.
    Show your opinion in comments below :cool:
  2. TeoTheDriller

    TeoTheDriller Big Damn Hero

    Hm... it could work. If it uses the same mechanic about white health, then it would be very risky: you can rebound lasers dealing critical damage each time, but not other sort of attacks. So you have to keep yourself dodging and reflecting, avoiding a HUGE damage in the first enemy hit, since the white health keeps accumulating...
  3. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Sounds interesting, though Teo does have a point, I think.
    I would love a shield that can reflect part of the enemies laser attacks and also has real shield power, like some shiny metal shield...
  4. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    shit lets be Link
    but seriously I can see problems if enemies get them too
  5. TeoTheDriller

    TeoTheDriller Big Damn Hero

    ...well, then we have a new sport: Laser Tennis OF DEATH!!! :mad:
    Maplestrip likes this.
  6. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    We could get 100% reflective mirrors and be immune to lasers, any lower than that and we would be fried in a instant. Also, English is stupid that past tense of read (synonym of reed) is read (synonym of red).
  7. ToxicArcher

    ToxicArcher Aquatic Astronaut

    Mirror shield? not like kid icarus at all. support +1 ;)
  8. TeoTheDriller

    TeoTheDriller Big Damn Hero

    Not necessarily, after all, it's a game, not a reality simulator. Lethal lasers for 100 Threat Level planets? Sure! For the rest of the game, having one-hit KO weapons is too much: why you would use any other stuff when a laser do the job in the fastest way possible?
  9. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    You mean homonym, not synonym
  10. Hostail

    Hostail Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sounds like a really neat idea,
    though just a side idea of me, would be to have a disadvantage to this mirror shield, for example, you can't be able to be healed by others, since you have this mirror shield it would just reject whatever the healer person tries. Right?
    I don't really like with 100% op shields, so lets give them some disadvantages as well.
    Aurana and TeoTheDriller like this.
  11. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Actually it is neither of these terms. Turns out it is a heterograph.
  12. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Do we even have any idea what we are talking about at that point though
  13. Aurana

    Aurana Void-Bound Voyager

    i was thinking more like link in ocarina of time
    Starheaven07 likes this.
  14. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    I think they should defiantly have a special shield but not from a game original
  15. Aurana

    Aurana Void-Bound Voyager

    as far as special shields go i think that there should be a armor slot for "bubbles" and these bubbles should be a energy or force field that protects you and damages enemies that touch it depending what type of bubble it is.

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