REPORT E3456-CSPECIMEN ANALYSIS REPORTSPECIMEN NAME: CORDILIA Composition/Material Makeup:Body composed mainly of fibrous cords with claws and feet covered in a hard shell.Nervous systems appear to be completely located in central cortex contained in skull.NOTE: DESTRUCTION OF CENTRAL CORE APPEARS TO CEASE ALL FUNCTIONS, ALWAYS SET AS HIGH PRIORITY TARGET. Claws/Tentacles:Claws are formed from bundled cords hardened by a coating secreted from specimen's body.Coating can be discharged to regain use of individual cords as tentacles.NOTE: CLAWS EXTREMELY SHARP AND TENTACLES STRONG. AVOID ENCOUNTER AT CLOSE RANGE. Feet:Feet are composed of frame of thin cords hardened by secreted substance.Framework makes feet weak but add slight spring to aid gait. Behaviour:Often found hiding with "unwound" body hidden in porous material leaving only head exposed. When target approaches, specimen quickly rises and recomposes body with great speed. NOTE: SPECIMEN EXHIBITS GREAT AGILITY AND SPEED, CLASSIFIED AS EXTREMAL DANGEROUS. Variations:Reports indicate much variation in size and shape in conjunction with size and number of Central cortex present.Reports suggest multiple types of material makeups, such as, cable makeup in industrial environments, and vine makeup in natural environments. Unconfirmed sighting suggest more variations. SPECIMEN CLASSIFIED AS EXTREMAL DANGEROUS, AVOID ENCOUNTER AT ALL COSTS.