I would really appreciate anyone that could turn my dog, who passed away in August, into a dog sprite and cursor for my Stardew game. His name was Kody (full name Kodak Moment) and he was a pure bred Havanese. I've loved him since I was 13 and lost him when he was 13. I miss him very much and would love to see a version of him running around my farm. Thank you for your support guys.
So it's just a WIP right now, but this is what I have so far: I will probably finish it by the end of the week or so? Don't quote me on that, heh. What do you think? ^ ^
Hey!! I'm so sorry I haven't been active for the past month pr so, I really fell behind in school and had to work my butt off to catch back up and everything, so the sprite work fell out of mind, but I am almost done! I am just testing it out and fine-tuning some things. It should be all finished by tomorrow! Thanks for your patience.