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RELEASED [Starbound 1.0+] Platform Books 2.1.0

Adds platform books, or changes bookpiles collision to 'platform' so you can walk through them!

  1. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

    TanzNukeTerror submitted a new mod:

    Platform Books - Changes the mechanics of book piles so you can walk through them. They're platforms! :D

    Read more about this mod...
  2. greenRAM

    greenRAM Giant Laser Beams

    File should be patched instead of replaced to increase comparability with other mods. Try http://helmet.kafuka.org/sbmods/json/ to use their patch generator. I also uploaded my patch to save time. Tested it in-game and it works.

    Attached Files:

  3. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

    TanzNukeTerror updated Platform Books with a new update entry:

    Changed resource to a patch.

    Read the rest of this update entry...[DOUBLEPOST=1438673271][/DOUBLEPOST]Edited and uploaded as an update. Thanks for the tip! Super new to this.
  4. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

  5. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

  6. Azraile

    Azraile Ketchup Robot

    You know books can be placed in the background? =p
  7. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

    This is true, but some automatically-generated structures have them placed in the foreground. I figured people might want their books separate from the background, but still be able to pass through them. At 207 downloads, I think it's safe to say some people might agree.

    However, I'll be sure to add some sort of notice when I merge Platform Books with an upcoming mod to make a small modpack with customization, instead of all these individual mod posts.
  8. CFFaccount

    CFFaccount Void-Bound Voyager

    Is it possible to isolate each different frame for the book tile and make each frame a separate object? Obviously, in addition to the tile you've made, but it was an idea that crossed my mind with your latest update's verbiage.
  9. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

  10. Coiso

    Coiso Big Damn Hero

    Hi, your idea is awesome, but it's not working. I tried to download a couple of time, but din't work. And, its the same name of the previous archive: "PlatformBooks_v1.4.1". Is that right?
  11. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

    1.4.1 is the current file. It works on my end.

    It doesn't change the mechanics of books that have already been placed, you have to break and re-place them.

    I'll double-check stuff if it doesn't work after that, though.
  12. DwerpyHuvs

    DwerpyHuvs Aquatic Astronaut

    yer kewl
  13. TanzNukeTerror

    TanzNukeTerror Ketchup Robot

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