TanzNukeTerror submitted a new mod: Rock On - Lets the player harvest the various rock types! Read more about this mod...
But... what is it? How do? There's no description telling me how to use this mod or what the features are besides a single sentence
Wait wait.. After my ragequit from what the game has become, i didn't mine any rock. But from the sounds of it, did 1.0 make it so ALL harvested rocks, regardless of type, becomes a single generic rock type? And this mod undoes this?
At last! I'm using GoG version now, so Steam Workshop is unavailable for me. Thanks for uploading it here! For anyone asking "what it does": it allows you to use cobblestone with different textures instead of single generic "cobblestone".
There are several different visual types of rock in Starbound that when harvested, turn into generic cobblestone. This mod lets you harvest the different rock types without them turning into generic cobblestone. More for builders than anyone else.
Does this also include the crafted versions of these stones as well, so that you can make the stone bricks with these stones, etc.? This seems like a great mod, I just hope it has it so that you can craft bricks with each stone type (or WILL have it, heh). =D
That would require so many recipes. I'd have to include one of each for everything you craft with cobblestone. The plan is to add a rock crusher that turns these into generic cobblestone. Much easier.
Eh, I was asking because more decoration options, not because 'can't make cobblestone from it'. ^^ That said, your answer still answers my question...and while it sucks, I certainly understand what you're saying, and I realize it would certainly be a lot of work, heh. ^^