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RELEASED Starbound Mod Manager - Archive Thread

Discussion in 'Other' started by KrazyTheFox, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In response to your edits that I didn't see til just now, I'm going to be supporting that format for mod information, but it's not in there just yet. I've been testing out different json parsers today to see which will work best, and have decided upon one. This feature will be implemented soon.
  2. dangerpeanut

    dangerpeanut Astral Cartographer

    When will we be able to remove mods that we have added?
  3. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Soon! Right now manual deletion from the folder will work, but I'll be adding that feature in the next update or so.
  4. AgentOrange0x78

    AgentOrange0x78 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm on a Mac, which is unix based. Sure I posted it a couple of pages back. OSX has issues with spaces in file paths so they need to be escaped.

  5. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hm. I thought I'd sanitized that. Lemme take another look at it. I'll get back to you.
  6. dangerpeanut

    dangerpeanut Astral Cartographer

    The best way to handle spaces in unixland is not to have them. Underscores should be fine. Or dashes. Dashes are totally cool.
  7. dangerpeanut

    dangerpeanut Astral Cartographer

    Couple more things.

    - I'm not fond of an additional message box to dismiss when I click on the "Add Mods" button. I know I want to add a mod. I want an explorer dialogue to appear when I click it.

    - I assume that a triangle with an exclamation means that there is something in the mod that conflicts with another... but nothing tells me that. While none of the actual assets conflict, there are README.txt files in a few of the mods. If your mod loader could ignore anything with README in the filename, that would be awesome.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  8. AgentOrange0x78

    AgentOrange0x78 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sadly it cant be avoided in some situations. Myself, i never uses spaces, but by default steam stores files in 'Application Support'. So for those cases where people used the default steam install directory it should be able to handle it.

    But I agree, spaces in file paths are a bad idea. Shame on you Apple ('Application Support'), you too Microsoft ('Program Files')
  9. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Uploaded a new version, see if that fixes that for you.

    Duely noted. (There's a hover tooltip, but that's very unreliable and takes a while to show up. I'm probably adding a 'mod details' pane soon to house the description, url, and any conflicts.)


    Mod merging is about halfway done. Putting my merging algorithm through a whole bunch of different tests to see if I can break it still. If things hold together well enough, I should have that feature up and running shortly. So far it's handled anything I've thrown at it with only minor modifications, which is an excellent sign.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  10. Vaalis

    Vaalis Space Hobo

    One mod manager dev is attempting to create a player.config "dictionary" in order to quickly add or remove mods to player.config, Maybe this will be the smoothest (albeit tedious) way to integrate this function.
  11. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm actually getting fairly close to a working automatic merging solution. A dictionary is... nice, but I'd rather have something that doesn't have to be maintained and works with new mods immediately.

    It works flawlessly with adding new entries to things (such as recipes to the player.config) and almost flawlessly when removing them (something I don't think will ever really be used).
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
    Vaalis likes this.
  12. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    Whats this mod in the screenshot?
    'Intuitive container capacities'
    might you be working on the same thing I started working on D:
  13. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If by "working on", you mean "pretty much done", then probably. :p
    I haven't packaged it up into a full mod yet, but will be posting it soon.
  14. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    nooo my budding modder fame :eek:
    anyway, I'll have a look at your mod and if it has all the features I was planning, then I need to look for something new...
  15. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, the only thing it does is look at the actual size of containers in game and adjust them to have capacities that look logical. Anything more than that this mod doesn't do.
  16. Moopymcmoopinson

    Moopymcmoopinson Aquatic Astronaut

    Err, where is the Game files on a Mac OSX Mavricks?
  17. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have no idea where that would be, but on Windows, the game is in the Steam installation directory, under "Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/". Hopefully that helps or someone else can come along who knows a bit more about it than I.
  18. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Updated to version 1.3!

    This includes....

    Mod Merging!

    I haven't added any other features aside from now using mod.json files as the mod info provider. I'll outline that in the original post.

    Edit: I also realize that the main post is now a bit of a mess. I'll go through and restructure it when I have more time.
    Additional requested features (involving ease of use and such) will be addressed in the coming updates before I add any major new features.

    Version 1.3.1:
    Small update. Manager would attempt to generate a patch when no conflicting mods were installed. It no longer wastes time doing that.

    Version 1.3.2:
    Small update. Fixed a bug that would prevent non-top-level files from being merged as a result of missing folders.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
    PXLForce likes this.
  19. dangerpeanut

    dangerpeanut Astral Cartographer

    I noticed another bug. If I add a mod and then click on the mod in the list, the option to install it stays gray. I have to click on another mod in the list, then back to the new mod to have the install option available.
  20. KrazyTheFox

    KrazyTheFox Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, good. I can replicate that. I'm done uploading new versions tonight, but it's on the list for the next update. Thanks!

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