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Starbound Multi-Verse Idea

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Brycen, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. Brycen

    Brycen Phantasmal Quasar

    Hello. Here I bring you a new idea! Hopefully you may find it cool or useful! If so please leave some feedback! Anyways, my idea will help out with all the role play servers, building, characters, etc. so My idea is that Starbound, is a game where you can make your mark on a galaxy, that's the main idea Basiclly. So what if the game itself took place in different Instances of Reality? To where you have Thousands of different instances of yourself, each doing something completely random. So let me give you an example.

    Instance 1: You are a USCM officer who likes to kill Floran for sport.

    Instance 2: You are a Hippie who is married to a Floran

    Instance 3: You are a smuggler who wants fame and fortune.

    You see how those may be three different Realities? That's what my idea is, your Person/character is still a the specified race, but maybe things may be different in another reality. I hope I'm making sense. But how will this help with role plays? Well imagine all those Role Play servers are different realities. Yeah. So you can still play on your character in another server, but he may be total different there. Now, here's where it gets complex, for servers. Now say on the server, the lore is that apex overlords take control of everything. Well your character ( In that reality) may be a store worker who thinks that Apex should free everyone, so, your character adapts from Reality to reality.

    Most of that probably didn't make any sense...
  2. Thalant

    Thalant Zero Gravity Genie

    I don't quite get your idea. You mean custom lore for different servers? That's not going to happen. But if we talk about pure roleplaying, of course, that can be done as the game is right now. It's a matter of imagination. If you play on various role-playing servers you can be whatever you want in each one.

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