[movie trailer voice] Humans and Avali have never gotten along. The gulf between them is old and runs deep. So when a human finds himself the only companion to a lone Avali warrior, conflict is inevitable. Brokering an uneasy peace, the two set out to return the warrior to his people and pack, unaware that the events they have set in motion that could prove to be the downfall of both their races. [/movie trailer voice] Starbound: The Monsters Below is a machinima masquerading as a let’s play. It is set in the Starbound universe, amended by the Avali race created by RyujiinZero... and a few little twists of my own! Self-rated PG: you can expect blood, violence, occasional swearing in English, frequent untranslated swearing in an alien language, and scary situations. The Avali and the base Avali mod are by RyujiinZero: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/avali-race-mod.998/ The Avali Triage Mod is by Fevix: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/avali-triage.2852/ The Creative Mode Mod is by aMannus: http://community.playstarbound.com/...de-complete-control-over-your-experience.614/ OrePlants+ (Ram’s Version) is by greenRAM: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/ore-plants-rams-version.2594/ The voice of the base commander is provided by usteeler81: https://www.youtube.com/user/usteeler81/featured All other voices are me, YellowDemonHurlr! All events depicted in this video are fictional. I didn’t really go to a working group get slugged by a rancher! This is my first foray into making machinimas, so it's going to be clumsy. Tips and feedback on writing, voice acting, editing, and digital puppetry are welcome!
New episode! Things are looking up for Rhaomi. Having found a companion (if not exactly a friend) and acquired the core fragments required to fix his ship, it seems like he’s well on his way to getting back to his home and pack, and not having to deal with humans again except with the business end of a railgun. Unfortunately, his secret mission is about to catch up to him… and it might just make him lose his mind.
New episode! Having escaped the clutches of the Miniknog, Yellow and Rhaomi prepare to launch their plans into motion to keep Big Ape from acquiring a worldkiller weapon. But a surprise meeting could have unexpected consequences for the pair, and the galaxy at large…
New episode! Fresh off their victory over the murderous Bloodclaw, Yellow and Rhaomi abruptly have the rug pulled out from under them when the mysterious Mengele reappears and kidnaps Yellow. While his purpose is unclear, his methods are obvious: to lay bare the mind of his hapless victim, and show him just the sort of people he’s dealing with. Alone and entirely powerless, can Yellow withstand the withering psychological beating?
That was kind of a heavy video. Here's something silly. My one-offs run on the Rule of Funny, and as such are not necessarily canon.
Announcement! I'm shifting gears! Starbound: The Monsters Below is now a musical! A selection of musical numbers that will be included follows here (previous artists, of course. Mine are still in production). This is Rhaomi's song, naturally. Bloodclaw's song! It's evil! Yellow's theme! The song Yellow sings (badly) for Rhaomi's romantic subplot! Closing theme.
Well, I think I'm a fairly decent voice actor, I can also edit and fail to think of any other relevant skills. Is there anything in particular that'd be useful to you?
Stayed up late last night, couldn't sleep anyway, this is the fastest sketch I've drawn, colors are digital, it was drawn in pen.
The clock is ticking. Having escaped Mengele’s dungeon of the mind, Yellow and Rhaomi must launch their attack against the Miniknog before reinforcements arrive and any chance at destroying the tentacle beast slips away. The cost of lives should the Miniknog weaponize the beast would be enormous… but what will be the cost of stopping them?
Well, the way I figure Rhaomi's temperature regulator to work, it basically functions as a super-insulator. Insulators work both ways--very little heat flows from the environment to Rhaomi, so if you were to touch him, he would feel cool, maybe even cold, but not painfully so. To him, you would feel warm, perhaps hot, but again not painfully so. --- Post updated --- Cool, more fan art! Thank you, Maciek1704! --- Post updated --- Still plugging away. Here's a deleted scene where Yellow explains to everybody exactly what happened to make avali hate us so much: Yellow: Jeez, you’re such a jerk. What did I ever do to you? Rhaomi: What did—do you not know history? Yellow: Oh, here we go. Rhaomi: Figures that your stupid government would suppress information about the time they enslaved us! Yellow: Oh, shut up. I know your story. Rhaomi: Then tell it! Tell your audience what you did to us. Yellow: Ugh. Fine. Right so, a long time ago, on an ice moon far, far away, humanity made first contact with the Avali… [Scene change to Avalon—a lone Avali is walking along, scatting. She comes across a human that looks like a Pokemon trainer.] Avali (excitedly, in Avali): *Gasp* What is this? I have found another sentient species! This is so exciting! Hello! Human (he points his pokedex at the Avali): Whoa, what kind of pokemon is that?! Pokedex: No data. Human: Wow! It must be really rare and valuable! Pokeball, go!!! [Throws a capture pod] Avali: Ow! That hurt! Human: It must be too strong! I’ll have to weaken it! [Takes out giant club] Avali: No! Help! I’m being attacked! [Human starts beating her up] Human: That should be enough! Pokeball, go!!! [Throws capture pod] Avali: No, what are you doing, I… [captured aka beam-up animation] Human: Yeah-haaaaaaaaaaah, I captured… um… something… [Back to the present day] Yellow: And that’s why the Avali hate us so much. Rhaomi: That’s not what happened at all! Yellow: Well it’s more plausible than the fairytale you tell everyone about how humans came to your world and enslaved your stone-age populace, 2,000 light-years distant, 5 centuries before we invented FTL and scarcely 2 centuries since our first manned spaceflight. What’ll you tell me next, that it was Columbus who proved the world was round? Obviously it didn't quite make the cut, but one of these days I want to resurrect the avali=pokemon thing as a running gag.