Yeah, STMB exists in its own installation, separate from the main game. It doesn't auto-update. --- Post updated --- Starting to get close to the big season finale... here's a "sneek peek!"
Phew, it's been a long time, but I'm finally putting the finishes on the season finale! It's huge: 1 hr 15 min, and more technically complex than previous episodes. Will be releasing soon. Would anybody be interested in a Twitch livestream premier simultaneous with the YouTube release?
Yep, confirming now: Livestream premier Saturday, October 29, 3:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM GMT, to be found on my Twitch channel:
And release! The situation is grim. Faced with the choice of either risking capture by the Miniknog or killing not only the tentacle beast but innocent civilians, Rhaomi has sent Yellow away. Now, separated and alone, Yellow and Rhaomi must make choices which could very well destroy them…
What Red vs. Blue does wrong is that of all the main characters, only one of them is truly endearing (Caboose). The rest are mean, surly talking helmets. Now, There may not be as many main characters in this one (You and Rhaomi) but as the saying goes, it's better to have four quarters than a hundred pennies. You two drive each other up a wall, but you don't get angry and violent. And I'd rather be able to see the characters' faces. Obviously, you're behind the controls, irl and otherwise. Rhaomi, while pixely, has more character than seven of the RvB guys put together. He's the lovable, yet cranky type, with an accent that is pleasant to listen to. And besides that, Rhaomi has the cuteness factor that comes standard for his species. I can only guess what ugly mugs are behind those Mjolnir helmets. I just felt really bad when that one character got shot (trying to avoid spoilers). He may be a bad guy, but I can identify with him. He's me pushed all the way to psychosis. I had the exact same problems growing up as he did. It bothered me so much for some reason, that I actually considered having a funeral for him on my server. I can't forgive him for what he did, but I feel sorry for him nonetheless. Anyway, consider me a witness into this window to another dimension, and a proud Avalophile. Also, I put together a picture. This would actually make for a decent shirt, I think. There was a mishearing in the original picture. I can hear about as well as I can see. I have two small ears.
I'm glad you found the characters compelling! Thank you for the fan art, it's a very unusual style. I find it interesting that you chose that exchange given that you talked about how Yellow and Rhaomi "drive each other up a wall, but you don't get angry and violent," seeing as that's the only segment where they actually do threaten each other with violence. They were just posturing, of course, and wouldn't follow through even if they had the ability, but it's an interesting juxtaposition. Also, minor correction. Should be... Yellow: Well, too bad! We're literally worlds apart. Rhaomi: And it would be stupid to fight my only companion... no matter how obnoxious... Yellow: ...and my sensei would be furious if I started a fight over nothing. Also, for discussion of spoilers, you can use spoiler text: like this, except remove the *s: [*spoiler] You can't see this! [*/spoiler]
Sorry. I only have two ears, and they're freakishly undersized. Also, I picked that exchange because it's the first time I saw and heard Rhaomi. It's the video you posted when I asked when an Avali sounds like.