Join Ray on his adventures though space with his new crew the Hauks, where he will need to become stronger to survive the challenges the universe will throw at him. Coming out sometime in December. Patreon Twitter Deviantart
If only I can like your post 99 times, I will! I'll look forward to it! I love the trailer. I see effort and dedication in this one. I will definitely watch it!
This is cool! Brings back memories of the sprite flash animation scene which was big in the mid-2000's. I'm looking forward to it!
im not even gonna have to make note of this! im just gonna remember to check it every 30 seconds until it gets released!!
Hey! I wanna thank everyone for the amazing support! I just wanted to let you all know that I'm desperately looking for two female voice actors. so if any of you are interested in helping me with this, or know anybody that would be interested, you can message me on skype at standingtough , or you can email me at
You should also put a post on the nexus forums - there are actually quite a few VA's on nexus who is always helping out the community. ( mostly in the skyrim section )