Digital Stardew Alley [Not taking requests]

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Alkanthe, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Alkanthe

    Alkanthe Supernova

    I'm invading Stardew Valley with my awfully mediocre art now. I'm originally from the Starbound side of things but since I drew my character I figured I might as well check out this foreign territory. So far, all the art I've seen is amazing and mine can't compare at all, but hey... I'm here anyways. And here's my character.​
    As you can see, I haven't gotten very far yet - haven't had much time to play. But I know more drawings are forthcoming. You can actually help with that, if you want, by requesting me to draw a character (original or not). Keep in mind that I won't be taking all requests, but I will let you know if I'm taking your request or not. Also, not to brag, but I do hold a title of "Fastest draw on the forums" back on the Starbound side of things... granted, that title is shared with somebody else.

    So, here I am.
    From highest to lowest priority, usually by time added.
    Marco for @xFaK10

    Other art threads of mine:
    The Alley: An Original Works and Fandom Art-Log
    Byte-Sized Sketches: A Starbound Art-Log
      Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    • Firepaw Da Cat

      Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

      So I can request for you to draw my farmer or one of the game characters here? [​IMG]
        Alkanthe likes this.
      • Alkanthe

        Alkanthe Supernova

        Precisely so!
          Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
        • Firepaw Da Cat

          Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

          I would like to request you to draw one of my characters then!
          This is Christina, she's a master farmer, an expert fighter and a decent fisher. She also likes to take care of animals and go exploring in dangerous caves in her spare time
            Leludar and Alkanthe like this.
          • Alkanthe

            Alkanthe Supernova

            What's her body type/height like, or do you not have a preference?
              Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
            • Firepaw Da Cat

              Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

              I don't have a preference [​IMG]
                Alkanthe likes this.
              • Alkanthe

                Alkanthe Supernova

                Sounds good, I'll start on that now then.
                  Firepaw Da Cat likes this.
                • Alkanthe

                  Alkanthe Supernova

                • desbro

                  desbro Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I dig this! Good job with nothing but pixels to guide you! It's always a challenge to make a character of generic sprites. =D
                    Alkanthe likes this.
                  • Firepaw Da Cat

                    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

                    Wow, this turned out great! Thanks for drawing her [​IMG]
                      Alkanthe likes this.
                    • Alkanthe

                      Alkanthe Supernova

                      Or to compress a character into one!
                      You're welcome!
                      • Bonabopn

                        Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

                        My favourite character is the hat mouse. Could you draw them? c:
                          Alkanthe likes this.
                        • Alkanthe

                          Alkanthe Supernova

                          I'd need a reference; I don't think I've gotten to the hat mouse yet.
                          • Bonabopn

                            Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

                            Hat mouse is a trader npc found in the abandoned house in the forest starting when you get your first achievement. He sells you hats depending on which achievements you have. c:
                            Afaik there's no other sprites of them, but i did find this fan art of them.
                              Alkanthe likes this.
                            • Alkanthe

                              Alkanthe Supernova

                              Okay, thanks! I'll get to drawing this, probably tonight.
                                Firepaw Da Cat and Bonabopn like this.
                              • DustyScabbard

                                DustyScabbard Spaceman Spiff

                                Well, you're about to become much more popular now that you've started posting art here.
                                  Alkanthe likes this.
                                • Alkanthe

                                  Alkanthe Supernova

                                  o.o help
                                  • Firepaw Da Cat

                                    Firepaw Da Cat The Fluffy Cat

                                    Oh, I can't wait for this to be finished, the hat mouse is adorable [​IMG]
                                      Bonabopn and Alkanthe like this.
                                    • digitalsonder

                                      digitalsonder Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Oh my god your art style I love it< 3 3 3
                                      Could you draw my character Wendy please? (btw, she's smol and asian) [​IMG]

                                      Once you're done with that, I'm sorry if it's too much (you don't have to take the second one or even the first if you don't want), I would love to see a picture of me smol bean Krobus and Wendy. Maybe Wendy and Krobus just sitting next to each other, chatting away and looking comfortable with each other's presence.
                                        Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
                                        SpaceClown and Alkanthe like this.
                                      • snivell

                                        snivell Void-Bound Voyager

                                        It'd be much appreciated if you could draw my character but with a pastel pink t-shirt instead of the jacket.


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