Thank you! c: You do, too. Yeah, I'm wicked bad at seeing it from the other person's view in the moment, but sometimes thinking about it later helps take the sting out a bit. Sweet, I'll give that a shot. Oh, and for a name for the purplehaired girl ... Veronica? Sabrina? So, I drew you a bong. Not a sentence I thought would ever come out of my... keyboard? And I had to google a reference picture, so I'm probably on some really poorly-monitored, halfhearted watchlist somewhere. I was going to turn the bowl that's on your table when you start the game into a, well, a bowl, but then I googled it and remembered they're not actual bowls. Fail. But here's this! It's tiny. It's kind of cute. Colors? (Just realized I can just play with the hue/saturation slider and make it any color~) Edit: Just realized you posted 33 minutes ago, which pretty much means I just spent at least 33 minutes drawing a teeny tiny bong. Also, CBT -- have you read/heard of The Depression Workbook by Mary Ellen Copeland? It's rad. She's awesome! Oh -- you prefer the wide-eyed version?
Duuuuude! Sick bongs! Those are so cute, omg, the store is going to be filled of 'em might replace one of my furnitures with a sprite or two, if you dont mind? Also, lol, the word bong just sounds silly, so I feel that by a lot, I try to say piece more because it sounds so dumb sometimes No I haven't! I'll have to check it out. If you have Netflix you should totally check out the show "Lady Dynamite," it talks about the subject in such a hilarious way. Maria Bamford. And pugs!!!! But there are some crazy pieces, like insanely ornate. I saw a cute donut pipe that I wanted but it probably be like the most difficult thing to clean out, omg
Thank you! The last (and only other) time I set out to do pixel art I wound up drawing the thing that is now my avatar instead, so I was convinced I'd never have the patience for pixel art, haha. It's fun! Ohhh right, my bad. I was going to just say "Hey I drew one of these," but that sounded even sillier. I had a boyfriend who, out of nowhere, got really into all of this stuff and would spend entire car rides talking about his favorite piece (before its untimely demise), it was like greek to me. Yeah, go for it! Lemme know if you need any recolors or whatever. I'll check out that show, haha. Right now I'm watching Peaky Blinders, Hannibal, and the X-Files on and off, but I could use a little hilarity. When I googled it there were some crazy ones. One was made out of a freaking microscope.
I LIIIIIIIIIVE. Kind of. I'm finally on summer break! It was a hell of a quarter and a bitch of a finals week, so nothing got done, but I'm still kicking. I can finally get back to doing some pixel art, too! I adore the new NPCs! If it's not too dificult, we should try and add in some weed-based quests and deliveries to get our new buds their bud.
Peaky Blinders, wuzz that? Sounds brittish hahah. My first run through I thought that said Twin Peaks, I tried watching that show twice and could not get passed the first episode either times x.x Loveee X-Files. Theyre special season they just did though was a lot misses with a few good standalone, monster-of-the-week episodes. My pug loves Buffy hahah yeah there are some crazy apparatuses to toke thru. I've smoked through an apple of couple of times, thru a soda can [which eh, not a fan of burning aluminum], and sacreligously using pages from a bible in a hotel drawer in Vegas [which isnt that cool either] As for pixel art, its fun and such but it redic how long it takes for such a small canvas x.x especially for this game. Yesssss. That would be sick, need to look into events and such. Its cool to see your moving limbs tho! I never asked what your major was, what is it? Its kinda funny, i started working as an admin temp at a hydrophonics company on Monday afternoon, and someone called in yesterday about their highgrade medical strain not growing right with the stuff. But the lady told the dude, "like its up to the grower to measure the stuff up according to your preferences as each strain is different and have/need different properties. Too bad we cant like finagle how people use fetilizer in this game. Or we should try to figure it out if we can add different kinds since I wanted the main npc to work that aspect too, or we can have another npc do it... ill post how my building looks for it when i can
What would you want to change about how fertilizer works? Also, I mentioned earlier -- is it easier to add cooking/crafting recipes than to add machines? It'd be amusing (and arguably sacrilegious) if the shrine in Pierre's shop was turned into a back room/head shop. He didn't put the shrine there in the first place, so. :v
If we get super creative, maybe we'll even make a Hempfest event! I'm working on two bachelor's degrees at the same time, one in Mechanical Engineering Technology and one in Mathematics. By the way, this is a nug I threw together roughly based on the Hops cone! I can also potentially use the Artichoke and some other crops if we want more variety. I love this idea! It could also explain why George goes there a lot. If we do that, let's edit the dialogue of the villager who already go there to make the change in scenery.
I think it would be cool if there were different types / you would have to keep changing up the types for different crops, for different seasons. Different craftablea to make it as you can use, soy, seaweed/kelp, fish, poop (animals need to start producing poop for compost/fertilizer man!) I think its a lot easier to just add crops than rename things as we came to see with killerboffo's mod and machines should be doable (via @rachelvalerie98 's help and figuring out to do so using ingrious's shit to config to take the weed crops/make more machines) YES. EVERY SPRING ON THE 20TH FORSURE. And other days if its easy to do similar events That would be soooo sick. Omg, as your walking to town, you see smoke before you enter hahaha. Damn, dude talk about baller shit man! My liberal art stuffs now/and ongoing dont got anything on you! Thats sick! I love that nug! If you want to use the base of other crops for the other strains of dro, sure! But if its easier to do a total of 4 variations of it using this base you made from the hops already, thats fine too. n.n
Problem is you'll probably have to choose it or the all seasons extended crop mod. Why can't I grow weed AND pineapples?!
Actually Botto is super dope and I like PM convo a lot with him because we intaweb pen pals now (gladly take more) and we're going to have a version where they're incorporated with that mod together. but what would be more dope and convenient if someone could mod a serializer for our mods to all read without the painstaking time to sync them all up after every little change.
Make sure to describe the types in their descriptions. I for one suffer from bad anxiety so i'd prefer to grow the more calming variety over the more energetic variety and dont remember which indica is and which sativa is and never even heard of the other types. Finally "Pierre's Secret Stash" will be revealed as pot!
I volunteered to do the descriptions a few weeks ago but got caught up in writing & editing my writing sample for grad school. I'll be able to get back on it no later than this friday though ^0^
I feel for you being caught up with stuff, don't worry about it! Glad to know it's coming though n__n Congrats on your achievements thus far! What are you hoping to go to grad school for? EDIT:Here's what I mean for the building in which these people will dwell in a town square with other npcs and shoppables:
I want to shoot for a masters in physics, genetics and biochem (they all have really similar pre-req's), but i'll need to finish another year of undergrad if I want to work on getting all three within 3-4 years, so I got my university to delay my entry into the graduate program until I finish that. I figured it'd just be easier to get all the application stuff out of the way ahead of time.
Too sick, what do you hope to do with that hefty stack? My husband is talking about wanting to go to Oxford to do his masters in sociology and history Man guys, I just want to stream gameplay/of making stuff, sarcatic podcasts like Marc Maron, be a uni campus dj playing obscure shit, just want to do something in tv, be an adjunct professor and then be the first person to die happily of a weed overdose. (just kidding about the last bit, but you know that'd wikipedia status right there)
I want to research the human physiological end result of a cluster of mutations that lead to familial basal migraines regarding channel kinetics and neuronal excitability and any bearing this has on possible ataxia manifestation. A lot of the studies done have had conflicting results so far though. ;_; I just really like those fields of study, lol. If I didn't hate high level math so much I'd only be doing physics, although if I ever pursue a Ph.D it'll probably be physics related so I could do work on pulsars. I actually want to be a writer, but contrary to popular belief, majoring in English is a terrible way to learn how to produce novel content (linguistics was probably the most helpful). On top of that, plenty of universities are suppressing writing/research that doesn't fit with their brand or w/e, so I just want to glean what I can from the fields I like, then write independently to my heart's content. My fiance is entering a philosophy master's program this fall and then the psychology in the spring for essentially the same reasons.