You're welcome! I haven't tried it yet, but I imagine it should be compatible with vanilla servers, since it's just a texture swap and doesn't touch any data files.
Thanks. I'll have to try when/if I get accepted to a server or the next time I'm on a private one. On that note, since it's just a texture swap, it shouldn't require much (if any) updating when the Vanilla game updates, should it? If so, awesome, because if there's one thing I hate more than waiting for a game update, it's waiting for mods I use to update to the new game version
Right now it looks like the version of the mod needs to match the version of the client in order for it to load, but it's a very trivial thing to update.
Okay, I've added it in and I'm loving it SO much! I made a Human character to see how they'll look in comparison, and noticed something funny in the Character Creation screen. It seems that with certain hairstyles (can't really say which ones), a 1 pixel high "third eye" will appear up-diagnally of the eye facing the screen. I don't know if it affects both genders. Needless to say, I chose hair that hid the odd pixel, so I don't actually know if it still looks like that ingame. You know, this has me suprised that there's no Eye Color mod yet...
Oh, yeah, that's supposed to be an eyelash; it only appears on the females. I'm thinking of removing it in the next patch though, since it's kind of too much.
Black?! Black... Black? Huh. Maybe it's my monitor, but even though dark areas in the map look black, Human eyes look more like a deep Navy Blue. Odd.
Good to see some detail added to those faces! I'm hoping this makes it into the game. Pixel graphics don't always have to be simple.
Hey Bietol, I was thinking of making a race (probably only for private use) Could I use your altered Human head in the sprite?
Bietol updated Starface with a new update entry: v. Furious Koala Compatability Read the rest of this update entry...
Bietol updated Starface with a new update entry: v. Enraged Koala compatabilty Read the rest of this update entry...
Hrmm... Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but the new version is having NO effect on my game... PROCESS: 1. Old version removed from mods folder. 2. New version added to mods folder. 3. Starbound updated via Steam. 4. Game launcher opened 5. Game launched in OpenGL mode. Aaaaaand none of the races have their proper faces... Soooo... Yeah. Are we supposed to put mods in a different location like songs in the last update, or have I just royally screwed up somehow? I tried closing Starbound and the launcher, relaunching and such... Is it because I replaced the mod before updating the base game...? Edit multiple days later: No help?... *sigh* I guess I'll just deal with bad looking faces... Edit the Second: Welp, I'm an idiot. I mixed up this and Minecraft's modding... (*cough*forgottounzipthearchive*cough*) DISREGARD THIS POST
Ummm.... update? I love this mod and would like some info regarding an update. If/when you update, thanks in advance.
Update... What, per say? It's a texture mod, there's not much more that could be added, and engine updates are few and far between now, so Bietol doesn't even need to make compatability patches for the most part.
I can think of an update, actually. There's this one mod, Biologically-Correct Torsos, that is incompatible with this mod as they overwrite the same images. The update could be a compatibility one!
They overwrite the same images? Last I checked, head and body sprites were completely seperate images.