Stats/Ranks/Xp points

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Halloween_King, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. Halloween_King

    Halloween_King Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This could be like when you craft your weapon you could have how ever many points to make a "upgrade" on your tool/weapon so like ex. attack,defense,enchantments. Idk its probably been said all ready but i didn't see it.
  2. Doctor Ragnarok

    Doctor Ragnarok Former Staff

    I'm not sure if I've seen a thread on it already either, but I do expect that we may already see something like this in-game. An early description of what they're working toward included a comparison to Borderlands, so I'm really hoping not only to have that sort of variation in weapons, but modifiers and upgrades for them as well. I don't know that there would be enchantments, per se, but perhaps a scientific equivalent that might effect ammo type, firing range, and all that.
  3. Halloween_King

    Halloween_King Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im just realy pumped to see it come out! just like everyone else. lol
  4. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    I'm not sure if this applies to weapons, but Rho said that items will have levels between 1-100 or tier 1-10, and you can't upgrade that level(you have to find/create/buy better ones). I'm sure you will be able to upgrade in terms of bullets and "attachments" though.
  5. Halloween_King

    Halloween_King Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cool, thanks.
  6. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Points to make upgrades?/
    I personally like having to bring it to a blacksmith, and handing over crafting material and a small sum of money, it's more challenging imo.
  7. Jackson

    Jackson Space Spelunker

    I read somewhere that money was going to be a large aspect of the game, so maybe you can use money to upgrade weapons and armour and stuff?
  8. Kamoda

    Kamoda Sandwich Man

    I don't think that having XP would be a very good way to upgrade your weapons. It may start to feel like a chore to get your weapons upgraded when you need x amount of XP to upgrade them, so you need to grind for a while to get the necessary pints. Finding attachments in dungeons or from killing enemies or paying someone to upgrade them for you seems like a good option though.

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