You should be able to make alloys, like steel, and create tools better suited for their enviroment or just plain cool. Like for instance, you could be able to make Bronze with Copper and Tin. Alloy tools could be like Carbon-Aluminum (it's real but I don't know what it's called). Carbon-Aluminum would be very lightweight and strong. Steel, however, is much heavier so you would want to alloy it to make it lighter or more worthwile. Some alloys would be better at mining different resources, like an alloy designed for extreme pressure or extreme heat. In other cases, you could use alloys as a use for industry, like creating a metal that would be extremely tough for cutting steel or stuff like that, while being very cheap (if you have the stuff to make it) That's pretty much my idea for now. If you guys have anymore ideas or suggestions, post below. Sometime I will make a list of alloys for you. Bye!
This is a decent idea, certainly better than some. Not sure whether it would fit in since we don't know how levels of items will be and what metals will be used.
Theres a lot more to be added and I actually have a book of the elements that describes what they are, do and stuff like that. So we could actually have metals and stuff that are elements. For instance, Tungsten is very compact. Very.
I don't want to be a back seat mod here, but it's been suggested before. However, because just telling you that wouldn't accomplish anything, I guess I'll give some feedback. I really like the idea of alloys; I think they would add a bit more diversity and (unnecessary) realism to the game. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that alloys are made at extremely high temperatures, so I think a special furnace/forge block would be necessary to make it, possibly by combining a certain metal with something that would magnify heat. As you said, the metals would be lighter, and stronger as well. I'd like to see an alloy pickaxe that can mine better metals because it's harder. I'm sure you can think of more ideas as well.