RELEASED [Storm] and [SMAPI] FreezeInside Mod--Freeze Time While Indoors Like Harvest Moon!

Discussion in 'Cheats' started by cantorsdust, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Fensfield

    Fensfield Void-Bound Voyager

    Boo hiss and here I thought I was being adequately clever.

    Thanks, will do. Still I'm surprised I missed that new requirement when I was poking about Storm's thread.
    • cantorsdust

      cantorsdust Existential Complex

      Okay, updated and Storm branch should now be working.
      • WirlWind

        WirlWind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        (Copy Pasted the same comment from the Timespeed thread for simplicity)

        I'm not certain that it was your mod, but I just experienced a weird time-related bug;

        I was on the day before the Luau and stayed up to around midnight, then went to sleep. When I got up, it was 11pm on the event night and the day was completely skipped. I left the event option default and changed time to 12s per 10.

        I slept again, thinking I just blacked out or something, but then it worked fine and suddenly it was 6am on the day AFTER the Luau. Unfortunately, it seems to have saved it as well =(

        I'm using mods I downloaded about 30 mins ago:

        Most recent build of Storm (as of 30 mins ago at least)
        Movement Modifier
        Unbreakable Fences
        Health Bars
        Freeze Inside (though I turned on machines working while inside)

        Didn't seem to throw an error or anything, just skipped the entire event and day o.0

        ::EDIT:: Just lost another day (Went to the 16th summer so the day change was confirmed), woke up the next day at the time I went to bed (around 8: 30pm)

        Something weird is going on between the time mods, I think...

        2nd update: Seems when I relaunched the game, it re-set the day back to 6am and all of the mail showed up the same etc.

        I was wondering if was the slowed down time that's interfering with the machine's running while inside option.
        • cantorsdust

          cantorsdust Existential Complex

          It's probably my fault. Is the time supposed to jump around during the Luau at all? Like advance after the festival or something? FreezeMod keeps track of the time you were at during the last tick and resets back to that time. It's possible the last time wasn't properly reset and you wound up fast forwarding somehow.

          If it's a concern, setting LetMachinesRunWhileTimeFrozen to false would fix these bugs, as it uses a much simpler system to freeze time.
          • WirlWind

            WirlWind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            When the Luau ends (like any festival), it "jumps" to around 10 or 11pm the same day. That was the point it put me at, so I would assume so.

            A restart of the game -should- fix the time skip (until the next time atleast) as well, assuming you don't do what I did and hop right back into bed, thinking I'd just stroked out IRL and forgotten to actually sleep lol

            I'll turn off the machine's working, hopefully that'll fix it.


            I've disabled the machines, but just had another bug with the scene where the hobo is rummaging through the bins. Normally, when your char is meant to walk up and talk to him, he instead stands there and nothing happens =\

            Will restart the day tomorrow and see if it was just a weird coinkydink
              Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
            • cantorsdust

              cantorsdust Existential Complex

              Are the bins outside? If they are, I wouldn't expect this mod to affect them at all. It does absolutely nothing if you're outside. If they're inside it's possible he's waiting for the next 10 minute tick, which returns early if machines are turned off. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!
              • FinalMantasyX

                FinalMantasyX Big Damn Hero

                Please, for the love of god, when you update a mod, PUT THE INFORMATION IN THE OP. The OP says specifically NOT to download the STORM version because it's broken! Change the OP! :down:
                • marcnivar

                  marcnivar Intergalactic Tourist

                  i have updated the game (steam version) to 1.05 and the mod does not work now. I have updated storm to the latest version as well. I can play the game with the loader but the time won stop when inside the house. Kindly help
                  • cantorsdust

                    cantorsdust Existential Complex

                    It's still broken :V
                    • GosuGian

                      GosuGian Twenty-three is number one

                      ETA for new update?
                      • spring_onions

                        spring_onions Master Chief

                        I also updated the game to 1.05 BUT this mod still works for me. Time freezes indoors and on caves without any problem.
                        • cantorsdust

                          cantorsdust Existential Complex

                          Updated to most recent Storm. Storm version fixes the time jump bug after festivals.

                          With the public release of Storm, I will no longer be continuing development on the SMAPI version.
                          • WirlWind

                            WirlWind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            They're outside, but it's an unskippable friendship based scene with dialogue options etc. I'm wondering if maybe it's based off the time for some of the triggers in the scene since it's a time dependant event (only at night). Perhaps it creates an "instance" of the game world specifically for the event that is considered inside for whatever reason (Mayhaps to prevent random townies from walking into it during the scene?).

                            ::EDIT:: I've run through the scene again with the latest patch, latest storm and all of the mods updated and I managed to get past the event.

                            Seems there's a skip button to the scene now (which seems to skip over the question that's meant to be asked) and thankfully there were no issues, so I managed to get past it. I'm assuming it may have been a bug with the base-game (I've heard Leah also has / had a crash issue on one of her events) or the event has been altered a bit in the new patch which causes it to work now (which may be possible considering there's now a skip button for that scene).

                            -Original outdated comment below, kept for posterity-
                            It's also entirely possible that it's just a base game bug or the one that alters time per tick, but figured I would at least mention it here "just in case". Now that you've heard about it, you may run into something you never noticed before etc next time you're running through the code *shrug*

                            First time I've seen the bug and all, better safe than sorry. If it's repeatable, I'll do more testing the next chance I get and see if I can work out the true cause (and will let you know what I manage to work out).
                              Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
                            • FinalMantasyX

                              FinalMantasyX Big Damn Hero

                              At the time of that comment, it was not. It worked just fine. 1.05 broke it but then it also broke the API. What do you mean by "it's broken" if not "it doesn't work"? Because it certainly works. And that comment was in response to "Storm branch should be working". What do you mean by "working" if you apparently mean "it's broken"?
                              • cantorsdust

                                cantorsdust Existential Complex

                                It works now. It was broken for a long time on the latest version of Storm, only recently being updated to use Storm's new event names. So if you were using the latest version of Storm, it probably was broken. If you had a somewhat outdated version, it might have been working for you.

                                Things might sometimes break as Storm continues to update. Sorry for the confusion.
                                • FloppyDingo

                                  FloppyDingo Big Damn Hero

                                  It seems to lock time in place when you go to bed. When I go to bed and wake up the next day, it'll be like 12 at night when I go outside. Restarting the game fixes this but it's a pain in the butt.
                                  • cantorsdust

                                    cantorsdust Existential Complex

                                    What version are you on?

                                    Edit, found bug, fixed it. Update to version

                                      Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
                                    • FloppyDingo

                                      FloppyDingo Big Damn Hero

                                    • Morfius

                                      Morfius Aquatic Astronaut

                                      thats what, the same bug 3 times now? xD dont worry, it happens ^^

                                      does the mod work with the newest update?
                                      • WirlWind

                                        WirlWind Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                        I've not tested out if the freezing bug has been fixed as I've yet to hit an event in my new game so I can't speak to that, but can confirm that it works generally.

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