Story: To the Valley (Happy New Year: Chapter 30!)

Discussion in 'Fan Works' started by Alkanthe, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. Risukage

    Risukage Giant Laser Beams

    Oof, you don't have your computer? That would drive me crazy. *Sweats visibly.* I mean, if something happened to my system or I was away for too long, I'd...

    *Hyperventilates into paper bag.*
      Pudassassin, Gabaw and Alkanthe like this.
    • Alkanthe

      Alkanthe Supernova

      Oh it's not Penny, but I'll certainly keep that in mind! She is quite lovely, heh...
        mrobake, Pudassassin and Gabaw like this.
      • Pudassassin

        Pudassassin Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

        Hey, I did draw one already, Gabaw! it's Mercy Penny!

        Btw, Alkane, good story so far! Keep it going.
          Gabaw and Alkanthe like this.
        • Alkanthe

          Alkanthe Supernova

            Gabaw, Pudassassin and Risukage like this.
          • Alkanthe

            Alkanthe Supernova

            Chapter 7. If you're looking for action... this ain't it. But it's stuff we have to get through to get to it. Think of this as your veggies, and you have to eat them first to get to the action - the dessert.
              Gabaw, Pudassassin and Risukage like this.
            • Gabaw

              Gabaw Spaceman Spiff

              Delicious and nutritious! I never say no to some good greens. Definitely can't wait for what sort of action you have in store tho.
                Risukage and Alkanthe like this.
              • Alkanthe

                Alkanthe Supernova

                Chapter 8 is here and it's great!
                • ApertureGaming011

                  ApertureGaming011 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  I can already sense it. Pierre in my universe is Pierre Berneau and Daniel Pierre in yours. I see. I see.
                    Alkanthe likes this.
                  • Alkanthe

                    Alkanthe Supernova

                    Well, it's a different Pierre.
                    • Risukage

                      Risukage Giant Laser Beams

                      We have planting action, Reb is now a proper farmer. *Nods with satisfaction.*

                      Also, KITTY. :3
                        Gabaw and Alkanthe like this.
                      • Alkanthe

                        Alkanthe Supernova

                        Chapter 9, it's looking fine!
                          Pudassassin, Risukage and Gabaw like this.
                        • CjBeats

                          CjBeats Weight of the Sky

                        • Alkanthe

                          Alkanthe Supernova

                          Chapter 10, I'm back again!
                          • CjBeats

                            CjBeats Weight of the Sky

                            Yuss the waifu has arrived. I like it! Good chapta
                              Alkanthe likes this.
                            • Alkanthe

                              Alkanthe Supernova

                              I'm back with a new chapter! Here comes number 11!
                                Pudassassin and CjBeats like this.
                              • MagicallyClueless

                                MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                A bumpity bump for you and i'm glad things are going well with your fic~
                                  Alkanthe likes this.
                                • Alkanthe

                                  Alkanthe Supernova

                                  Oh look, a double update: Chapter 12 is also here!
                                    Gabaw and Risukage like this.
                                  • Risukage

                                    Risukage Giant Laser Beams

                                    Innnnnteresting. *Twirls imaginary mustache.* Yup, still enjoying this, hurrah! :)
                                      Alkanthe likes this.
                                    • Alkanthe

                                      Alkanthe Supernova

                                      cHAPTER 13 EXISTS.

                                      Edit: Currently at nearly 11,000 words. Holy cow.
                                        Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
                                        Risukage likes this.
                                      • MagicallyClueless

                                        MagicallyClueless Master Astronaut

                                        man, you are writing these like lightning.
                                        give me this skill
                                          Alkanthe likes this.

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