On steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=933438176 Would love to see some other peoples designs!!
Looks quite impressive. I like how you've managed to keep the style fairly consistent despite using items from multiple races. My only real criticism is that the top room looks really unfinished. Maybe a nice spot for a garden, or something? Just be aware that double- and triple-posting is discouraged, seeing as I've just had to merge three of your posts. Please use the edit button instead of stacking multiple posts back-to-back.
Hello mate, thanks for the the comment. a garden would be nice. Thanks for your help with the posts, I am very new to posting on forums. did i post the same post 3 times? i have added this picture to another thread. Thanks again man, i look at your builds they were awesome!
Multi-posting isn't posting the same post several times. It's stacking multiple posts back-to-back, which starts to clutter up threads after a while, so we encourage people to edit their posts instead. Anyway, if you're going to go the garden route, be sure to look at the different plant-based blocks available. I like to make use good use of Flower Blocks myself, which might be of interest to you. Just be careful when working with the background, so you don't end up flooding your building. http://starbounder.org/Flower_Block
ah crap. i think i went off and did it again. I didnt understand what you mean't. so rather then post updates i should edit my original post. Sorry about that dude
It's alright to post updates, but it's preferred you do so after someone else's post. And you can double-post to provide an update, but only after a long amount of time between them. Like, if someone doesn't post after you for weeks.