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RELEASED Super /sbg/ Race Mod 0.17

Eight (possibly more) exotic alien races from the depths of the Internet to spice up your galaxy!

  1. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Wall of Knowledge submitted a new mod:

    Super /sbg/ Race Mod - Six (possibly more) exotic alien races from the depths of the Internet to spice up your galaxy!

    Read more about this mod...
    Pingeh likes this.
  2. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    This looks to be a very interesting bundle of races! I'm curious how they act with armor (in the case of the slimegrills and gamayun). I'm assuming right now all of them are using the human AI and gear?
    If you're open to suggestions/requests, I'd like to ask that ships be the first focus. Everything else in the mod would be compatible and safe to update for already-made characters, but ships need the shipdata to be deleted, and everything stored in the ship moved elsewhere. Currently, I'm using the Shard Cruiser mod for the beldahor, and it seems to fit them quite well (even if it's max size is a bit small, comparatively)
    Edit: There wouldn't happen to be any way to make the slime race faintly transparent, would there?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
  3. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Armor will clip or otherwise fit incorrectly in a bunch of cases; see the blurb on tailoring for how we plan to address that. In the meantime, most of them start with invisible chest and legs and otherwise use default Human recipes (I'll add an invisible head for the first patch).

    Suggestions are more than welcome! While I haven't made any headway on them yet, carriontrooper is making steady progress on the Singularnosti ship. As for the Slimes, yes and no: the alpha channel doesn't play nicely with how Starbound handles colors, so you can have one or the other-- not both. I've been considering adding an optional file for semitransparent slimes, but the big question would be "If they're locked into one color, what color should that be (and should the males and females be different colors)?
  4. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    Ahh, alrighty. Ships do take a ton of work, both in art and setting up the lighting/collision. As for the slimes, if the process of making them transparent is a simple one, you could include an options folder for each of the colors. If it is a pain (like having to re-do the sprite's pixels) then picking a single color would be best to prevent insanity. If you would do just a single color, I'd suggest something other than green, since the armor set of that is already in game.
  5. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    Regarding ships: the Singularnosti ship will be different from vanilla ships in layout. Better store every item planet-side when the ships get implemented.
    Pic related is a WIP, I'd really appreciate feedback.


    By the way, regarding the other ships - as I'm the one that's handling Carodonts, I'd probably have them have a facsimile of the human ship, but flitered heavily through cargo cult lenses. Which means, the layout will probably be almost the same, with only cosmetic changes on the outside. That said, WoK and I would be more than willing to listen to your suggestions.
    Lindazana likes this.
  6. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    The ship layout looks good, and a dream for any hoarders out there. Is this going to be for the starting size, or after upgrading the size of it once? I can't say much regarding the singularnosti, not quite my personal flavor of race, but the carodonts are a delightful species. It makes sense the ship would be based off a human ship, as you mentioned that they came across tech similar to the floran; someone crashing on the planet. The only suggestion I can make regarding that race is that the head seems rather large for the body, or at least the snout is. And any chance of a tail for them...? Either way, I'll still have one for a character, as space sharks are best sharks.

    Please note, any suggestions or criticisms made are done in a "I'd like to help/toss random thoughts your way" way, and not a "whiny, self-entitled brat" way. Tone and attitude can be a bit hard to show online, and I might be a little socially paranoid.
  7. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    No problem!
    The wip you see above is the starting size. Carodonts already have tail, and the head is big indeed - to better fit all those teeth.
    And yes, that sort of suggestion/criticism is what we're looking for, here.
  8. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    any chance you can do the old monster girls (lilin) race added to this? im sure if you contact the origonal dev he would be fine with it. also i got the sprites still, miss that race q.q
  9. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    Okay, after a bit of searching, found the mod - was it the one with the succubus?
    Also, after a bit more spelunking, the author of that mod is last seen in March 31st... last year. I doubt we can get their permission.
  10. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    I believe there's a clause somewhere about being able to pick up long-abandoned mods without the original author's permission, but I'd have to find it again for the exact details (what the statute of limitations is, whether/to what extent it's affected by permission settings/return of the author, to what extent the mod can be updated/modified, etc., etc.)
    As much as I like the look of the mod, though, I think we already have enough to work on for now without adopting unrelated projects.

    Progress is still being made on the mod at large (albeit slowly); I'm currently contemplating whether the next Stable version is still far enough away or whether to begin updating the mod back up to Nightly (I decided to leave it on Stable for stability on servers, but neither of the servers that /sbg/'s hosted since shambling from its grave have used it, and it's looking like there's a LOT to update, which may be easier the less existing content there is)
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  11. netherangel

    netherangel Void-Bound Voyager

    i know some scripting i could help and a clanner of mine is also a coder.
  12. Artay001

    Artay001 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Anything going on getting these races out separately? I'm interested in certain ones, but have less than 6 race slots open in my character creation menu.
  13. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    You could always get a race mod with more slots. ;)

    In seriousness: it is planned, but it's not a terribly high priority right now as we try to mop up bugs and start filling everything in with content. Since the next Stable update is currently stuck in that middle-distant limbo known as Soon™, the current plan is to keep working on one big update until it hits- after that, I might see about splitting some of them off individually, though the standalones (at least, the ones I'm responsible for) will always have a lower update priority than the main mod.

    (i won't stop carrion if he wants to throw out standalones for his races before then, though)
    Artay001 likes this.
  14. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    A temporary solution would be taking out the .species file of the races you don't want. Those races then won't show up on the selection screen.
    Artay001 likes this.
  15. Artay001

    Artay001 Pangalactic Porcupine

    That I can probably handle.

    On a side note, I'm using the xbawks mod with 36 available slots. I have 3 left. Do you know of one that's bigger, because I will totally pick it up. :)
  16. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    Currently, that's the one I'm using too, but in Upbeat I used a self-modified ODB2CCM that adds up to 58 slots. Which looks pretty bad since I had to fit the extra buttons on the sides, and thus some of them are halved by unknown means.
    Maybe ask Kawa about it, maybe? Or try to update an outdated mod that adds 100 slots.
  17. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    In Beldehor-specific news, I've started work in Nightly on a colony progression system; this little crate, situated in the crater left of the portal, belongs to the Beldehan Imperial Build Corps; after Pathfinders find and explore new worlds and the Navy subjugates them, it's the task of the Build Corps to develop them to feed and house colonists in an effort to relieve the overcrowding of the core world(s).

    IBC preview.png
    (currently 8 frames of animation; to be extended for smoothness. officer's outfit subject to change)

    Of course, since the Imperium exploded into existence practically overnight when the Beldehor got their hands on high technology and FTL capability, they simply can't build colonies fast enough! The IBC is desperately understaffed, and that's where you come in: pull double-duty and help in the colonization effort, and they'll subsidize your endeavors with colony deeds, teleporter cores, tech, manipulator modules, vanity items, etc. (to say nothing of the profit you make on rent).

    Essentially, the plan is that new tenants will rarely (~10%) give you Certificates of Merit instead of rent; these are used to turn in quests at the IBC Officer for promotions (with more certificates required for each rank). Hopefully, all of this will encourage people to build a lot of apartments and check up on them occasionally rather than trying to grind. As you gain ranks in the IBC, more materials and items will also become available in the depot, and side quests will open up from the Imperial Navy (some of which may be significantly less charitable). Items bought from the depot and tributed/purchased from tenants will also have new tags, enabling you to get more advanced tenants in much the same way as CF is planning for the main colony progression.

    Also pictured: the first set of Tier 1 armor; this Nudist Beach Pathfinder set uses default (Accelerator) stats, but I plan to make at least two variants styled after Manipulator and Seperator sets in order to get the armor diversity train rolling early.

    Addendum: I've also tried setting up multiple dialog options for each race, but the NPC insists on picking one per character and sticking with it. Is there a way to slot the rotation that the Penguin Bay has into the NPC dialog code?
    Lindazana likes this.
  18. Starbound playa

    Starbound playa Pangalactic Porcupine

  19. Artay001

    Artay001 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, separating them out didn't work. Shame, that, but keep up the good work. :)
  20. carriontrooper

    carriontrooper Existential Complex

    separating how? I mean, take them completely out of the entire mod folder?

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