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RELEASED Super /sbg/ Race Mod 0.17

Eight (possibly more) exotic alien races from the depths of the Internet to spice up your galaxy!

  1. Fuufuu

    Fuufuu Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Heeello~! I downloaded your mod for my friends to play as your races~ We only recently came to be at the end of the current missions in the Stable/Unstable Version. However... they cannot craft Violium and Co. Armor. I had to craft my own and give it to them haha.. Is it because this is a step that has yet to be done?
  2. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Blimey, I should work on this more often. Got the mod updated for the most recent nightly, but I had to temporarily cut the Beldehor weapons because weapons seem to currently be fucked in Nightly. Haven't finished the Ichthysian ship, either, but the Barometta have a starting outfit now and I've got some work done on dialog.

        { "op" : "add"
        ,"path" : "/greeting/barometta/default/"
        ,"value" : [
            "Hi there!",
            "Hey there, cutie.",
            "What's up?",
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/greeting/beldehor/default/"
        , "value" : [
            "Good day.",
            "How do you do?",
            "Ave Imperium.",
            "Well met, stranger."
        { "op" : "add
        , "path" : "/greeting/carodont/default/"
        , "value" : [
            "*unintelligble fish noises*"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/greeting/gamayun/default/"
        , "value" : [
            "Peace be upon you.",
            "Are you well?",
            "It is a pleasure to meet you.",
            "Welcome, traveler."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/greeting/ichthysian/default/"
        , "value" : [
            "What do you want?",
            "Blessings, stranger.",
            "Need something?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/greeting/lunarian/default/"
        , "value" : [
            "Hey there.",
            "What's up?",
            "How's it going?",
            "'Hoy there."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/greeting/snosti/default/"
        , "value" : [
            "*unintelligble black hole noises?*"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/barometta/"
        , "value" : [
            "How do you manage all of that wool?",
            "Such soft wool... I could really use a hug.",
            "Careful, Miss, the Miniknog frowns on... public indecency.",
            "Do you need a physcial? I'm a doctor, honest.",
            "Want to go out for a banana split sometime? I've been saving up."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/beldehor/"
        , "value" : [
            "That eye... You're not with the Miniknog, are you?",
            "So, I hear your kind are escape artists...",
            "You're a scout, aren't you? Sorry, we're already pretty well settled here.",
            "Ahh, a friendly face... for a given value of \"face\".",
            "I'd bet my bottom banana Big Ape could beat up your Emperor."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/carodont/"
        , "value" : [
            "My, what sharp teeth you have...",
            "Is it true that there's always a bigger fish?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/gamayun/"
        , "value" : [
            "I'd lay low if I were you, friend.",
            "You have psychic powers? What am I thinking?",
            "How do you levitate? I'd be very interested in studying you...",
            "Meditation lets you ignore hunger, right? Please, teach me.",
            "How do you... you know... limbs?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/ichthysian/"
        , "value" : [
            "Your scales are fascinating to me.",
            "You worship the sun? How quaint.",
            "Why do your men and women look so different?",
            "I had a boat, once. It's gone now.",
            "I saw a fish man just the other day, but he looked nothing like you."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/lunarian/"
        , "value" : [
            "Don't tell anyone, but I always liked carrots more than bananas.",
            "Are those... real?",
            "My condolences. What happened to Earth was terrible.",
            "Seeing a rabbit is lucky, isn't it? I could use some luck.",
            "Our masters are like yours were, but the cake is a lie."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/apex/snosti/"
        , "value" : [
            "I was a gambling man, once. Now look at me.",
            "Careful of the Miniknog, stranger.",
            "I don't have any money. Leave me be."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/avian/barometta/"
        , "value" : [
            "You're so fluffy!",
            "S-Sorry, I'm allergic to wool...",
            "You have seeds? Wait, I didn't mean it like that!",
            "You might not have heard, but Avians are the best for cuddling."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/avian/beldehor/"
        , "value" : [
            "So, you can change your shape?",
            "I wonder, do you bounce?",
            "Ah, please don't stare at me like that...",
            "Tell me more about your fashion! I've always fancied something a little more... risque.",
            "We're not really keen on authority around here."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/avian/carodont/"
        , "value" : [
            "Just so you know, I don't taste like chicken.",
            "An island in space? Does space work that way?",
            "Earu-te-hu? Is that something you eat?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/avian/gamayun/"
        , "value" : [
            "You're religious, but you don't worship a god? ...Huh.",
            "If you can float, surely you can fly, right?",
            "You're a martial artist without arms or legs? ...I don't get it.",
            "Woah! Teach me how to do that!",
            "Don't you get cold like that?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/avian/ichthysian/"
        , "value" : [
            "You left your faith too, huh? I can sympathize.",
            "We should spar sometime.",
            "You're so smooth...",
            "Swimming really is great, isn't it?",
            "I'll trade you a feather for a scale."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/avian/lunarian/"
        , "value" : [
            "I don't understand, what's so special about living on a moon?",
            "Say, what's a minuteman, anyway? Do you only fight for a minute at a time?",
            "Sorry, I mistook you as a human for a moment!",
            "What was it like, knowing your creators?",
            "Sesame seeds go great on just about anything, huh?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/barometta/"
        , "value" : [
            "You look tassssty.",
            "Floran likesss fluffy-fluffy!",
            "Floran not ssstab fluffiesss.",
            "Fluffy sssmellss gooood.",
            "Can Floran touch?"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/beldehor/"
        , "value" : [
            "Sssstrange sssticky perssson.",
            "Big eye good for big hunt, yesss?",
            "No worriesss, Floran not like sssticky foodssss.",
            "Floran not like sssstinky much.",
            "Floran wish Floran could grow extra teeth and clawss."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/carodont/"
        , "value" : [
            "Sssshark man like ssstabbing too?",
            "Floran bet Floran's teeth are sharper.",
            "Floran likesss this fish man better!",
            "Ssharksss make for good hunting."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/gamayun/"
        , "value" : [
            "Floran never ssseen floating person before. Floran not ssure how to feel about thisss.",
            "Did Floran eat your limbsss?",
            "Floran does not like sscary eyesss.",
            "No armsss. Doess floaty hunt with teeth?",
            "Floran once try to use head to hunt. Not very sssharp, spearsss much better for ssstabbing."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/ichthysian/"
        , "value" : [
            "Pretty ssscales!",
            "Why fish girlss ssquisshier?",
            "Fisssh likes spearss? Floran likesss sspears too!",
            "Floran wonderss which fish peoplesss is tastiesst.",
            "Fissh god has ten armsss? Floran could hunt ssso many things with ten armsss!"
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/lunarian/"
        , "value" : [
            "Cakess are good, meatsss are better.",
            "Human hass funny earssss. Wait, not human?",
            "Hunting with gunss is no fun, ssstabbing much better.",
            "Floran once hear human moon made of cheesse.",
            "Bunny man makesss floran want to hunt."
        { "op" : "add"
        , "path" : "/converse/floran/snosti/"
        , "value" : [
            "You ssssuck! Haha! Floran will be here all day!",
            "What is a debtsss? Can Floran eat it?",
            "Ssspooky person has no face.",
            "Floran does not have pixelsss for spooky man, only ssstabs."

    At some point down the line, I figured "yeah, 5 lines per segment is probably reasonable".
    Jesus Christ.

    apex > beldehor
    apex > barometta
    apex > carodont
    apex > gamayun
    apex > ichthysian
    apex > lunarian
    apex > snosti
    avian > beldehor
    avian > barometta
    avian > carodont
    avian > gamayun
    avian > ichthysian
    avian > lunarian
    avian > snosti

    barometta > apex
    barometta > avian
    barometta > beldehor
    barometta > barometta
    barometta > carodont
    barometta > floran
    barometta > gamayun
    barometta > glitch
    barometta > human
    barometta > hylotl
    barometta > ichthysian
    barometta > lunarian
    barometta > novakid
    barometta > snosti
    beldehor > apex
    beldehor > avian
    beldehor > beldehor
    beldehor > barometta
    beldehor > carodont
    beldehor > floran
    beldehor > gamayun
    beldehor > glitch
    beldehor > human
    beldehor > hylotl
    beldehor > ichthysian
    beldehor > lunarian
    beldehor > novakid
    beldehor > snosti
    carodont > apex
    carodont > avian
    carodont > beldehor
    carodont > barometta
    carodont > carodont
    carodont > floran
    carodont > gamayun
    carodont > glitch
    carodont > human
    carodont > hylotl
    carodont > ichthysian
    carodont > lunarian
    carodont > novakid
    carodont > snosti
    floran > beldehor
    floran > barometta
    floran > carodont
    floran > gamayun
    floran > ichthysian
    floran > lunarian
    floran > snosti

    gamayun > apex
    gamayun > avian
    gamayun > beldehor
    gamayun > barometta
    gamayun > carodont
    gamayun > floran
    gamayun > gamayun
    gamayun > glitch
    gamayun > human
    gamayun > hylotl
    gamayun > ichthysian
    gamayun > lunarian
    gamayun > novakid
    gamayun > snosti
    glitch > beldehor
    glitch > barometta
    glitch > carodont
    glitch > gamayun
    glitch > ichthysian
    glitch > lunarian
    glitch > snosti
    human > beldehor
    human > barometta
    human > carodont
    human > gamayun
    human > ichthysian
    human > lunarian
    human > snosti
    hylotl > beldehor
    hylotl > barometta
    hylotl > carodont
    hylotl > gamayun
    hylotl > ichthysian
    hylotl > lunarian
    hylotl > snosti
    ichthysian > apex
    ichthysian > avian
    ichthysian > beldehor
    ichthysian > barometta
    ichthysian > carodont
    ichthysian > floran
    ichthysian > gamayun
    ichthysian > glitch
    ichthysian > human
    ichthysian > hylotl
    ichthysian > ichthysian
    ichthysian > lunarian
    ichthysian > novakid
    ichthysian > snosti
    lunarian > apex
    lunarian > avian
    lunarian > beldehor
    lunarian > barometta
    lunarian > carodont
    lunarian > floran
    lunarian > gamayun
    lunarian > glitch
    lunarian > human
    lunarian > hylotl
    lunarian > ichthysian
    lunarian > lunarian
    lunarian > novakid
    lunarian > snosti
    snosti > apex
    snosti > avian
    snosti > beldehor
    snosti > barometta
    snosti > carodont
    snosti > floran
    snosti > gamayun
    snosti > glitch
    snosti > human
    snosti > hylotl
    snosti > ichthysian
    snosti > lunarian
    snosti > novakid
    snosti > snosti

    As usual, I'll leave the Carodont/Snosti stuff up to carrion, but I'll add any suggestions anyone posts.

    mfw I just realized I completely forgot to add the Golgians
  3. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I do like the mod, mainly for slimepeople (now if I could just find some slimy techs, sorta like the morphball/distortion sphere), but I kinda wish they had..... better heads. I know they're the size and shape they are though because the race's based on the slime set, but it seems odd to me somewhat, alongside the other races.

    Also I guess I wish I had a better purple color option, and... well I've seen it elsewhere, maybe it's possible to add a little bit of transparency to the body.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  4. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    I decided to make copies of another head and use that to make substitute heads for the slime race in this mod, but of course, the hairstyles that currently exist were made for the original "Slime Mask" head. I'll either have to pick a hairstyle that doesn't leave too big a gap, or readjust the existing ones.

    malehead.png femalehead.png

    Also I have no idea if someone can download these files and have 'em work as they are as I've never uploaded anything here before. Let's see...


    ...Ah, excellent, it still retains its transparency. Lesson learned.

    I should try editing the hairstyles to accomodate this new shape, but I kinda wanna just play Starbound for a bit.

    One more adjustment for the heads. I forgot about the facial expressions, they don't look right with big eyes.

    malehead.png femalehead.png
    It's amusing that they're the exact same image...... which I suppose means I didn't need to upload it twice but whatever. Now to see how it looks for myself.


    I looked at the other races, and remembered how their eyes are, so I tried it, but... in my personal opinion, even though beady eyes might bug some people, it feels proper when I try out the various default facial expressions. I'll leave it to whoever to adjust it as they see fit. I used GIMP, myself.

    Bah, I'm getting amused by this now. I decided to edit the head so it keeps its shape, but retains some of the Slime Mask's style. How's this?

    malehead.png femalehead.png
    I could almost get into doing up sprites... but thinking about a whole set is a bit much.

    That'll do it for me tonight. Time to finally play a bit.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  5. Nunubit

    Nunubit Big Damn Hero

    Hey, I noticed there is an incompatibility issue with the Create-A-Friend mod. There is a super simple fix, as basically you just replace the text in the Player.config patch file in the SBG mod with this. It was just a minor formatting issue.


    ,"value":"beldehor" },

    ,"value":"sheepgrills" },

    ,"value":"fishgrills" },

    ,"value":"slimegrills" },

    ,"value":"snosti" },

    ,"value":"carodont" },

    ,"value":"psychic" },

    ,"value":"bunnygrills" },
    ,"value":"tailoringtable" }


    Also, sorry if format is weird, not used to this.​
  6. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm probably not going to release any more fixes for the current version (I've been really busy lately, so I'll probably hold out until the 1.0 launch), and I've already changed that file around in my dev build (so whatever the issue was may already be fixed), but I'll keep that in mind.
  7. Nunubit

    Nunubit Big Damn Hero

    I actually posted it here so anyone that wants to do both can fix it themselves. I figured it was too minor a thing to message you for just to make a whole fix, and all you need for this solution is to open the file with notepad.
  8. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think it's been a week or so since i last messaged Wall of Knowledge about those little edits I was messing with, but when I looked closer at the way my idea of a head edit appeared on the body... it's probably best to leave well enough alone. I'm just picky about the size of the head in some cases.
    Not that I want to seem like I have anything to do with this mod. I'm just messing around with things.

    Here's hoping 1.0 is closer than we might think so we can see the next update to this mod sooner. It'd be nice for the races to be recognized by NPCs... though of course, the developers deserve all the time they need to get the work done properly. Rushing it does no one any good.

    Also still wish I had a better purple color option, something a little more... vibrant,
    [​IMG]like the color of liquid Erchius,
    [​IMG]or purple crystal blocks.

    ...I like purple too much lately.

    Some little part of me wants to take a stab at an alternative body style for these slimepeople (mainly just the inside appearance), as opposed to just using the slime costume set, but there's nothing wrong with what exists (the chest and leg costume parts are just slime-styled human parts anyway with no shape adjustment), and I've been playing as a Golgian for a while now, no real complaints, just happy to be able to play a slimeperson... although when I run, sometimes it looks like the legs are kinda short, and the rear seems a bit big, hehe... but that's just the way the sprites in Starbound have always been.

    OH! Thought just came to mind! I notice you've got invisible chest and leg options for some race options, like the Golgians, but nothing for the head. Why is that? And... do you think you could throw one in, perhaps? Or maybe it exists already somewhere in the modpak and I just haven't looked hard enough.

    Maybe Liquid Erchius and purple crystal aren't really good ideas, I dunno, what do you think?
    Xel in four colors.png
    The first color is the purple shade I've been using. I should probably use the second one, but it doesn't feel like it's a deep enough shade to me. Too faded.

    I just want something that stands out a bit more than the existing options.
    Also that + shape really stands out on the forehead to me, but that's just the result of the hair covering part of the head.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
    Lindazana likes this.
  9. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Wall of Knowledge updated Super /sbg/ Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Starbound 1.0!

    Read the rest of this update entry...


    Happy Starbound 1.0, fellas!

    Anyone conversant in Lua; do you know how I could make the 'nude' status effect work on NPCs? They appear not to have a 'nude' status variable.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  10. Yarott

    Yarott Phantasmal Quasar

    Can you also host this on the Steam Workshop? If not now, then at least when you finish the mod to your desired level.
  11. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Eeeeeeeh I'd rather not. Firstly because I've been hearing that Steam Workshop implementation has been really fucky out the gate, and secondly because I'm not a fan of the idea of suddenly having a bunch of people I don't know hassling me over Steam. :lickitung:

    If I do set it up on SW I'll post about it here, so if you see someone hosting it before then, let me know because someone nicked it.
  12. Yarott

    Yarott Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm sure, given the nature and origin of this work. Well, alright. Was just suggesting this based on the convenience it would bring for when we get to make servers, while having members of the server get the right mods installed with the click of the "subscribe" button in SW. Hope CF gets the SW implementation well-tweaked.
  13. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

  14. Lindazana

    Lindazana Cosmic Narwhal

    Whoo, updated already! Can't wait to get this after waiting for the main game to fix the inevitable bugs and temporarily cut/delayed content. (Probably a week or two more)
  15. XelSlime

    XelSlime Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The emotes need tweaking to work with the larger eyes of these races.

    Also, I've run into a server host who didn't want to bother with downloading this, since every individual player would have to download it as well, as opposed to the Workshop method. Not a major thing, but unfortunate, since they're missing out, and people seeking a home with this mod may have some trouble.

    I hope this kind of thinking doesn't become the norm for server hosts. I only saw one listed server using this, but it uses 40+ mods (which were conveniently in one download marked "current"), and the game auto-closed after the Chucklefish logo. Seems there's some conflicting files. Can't find anything else.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  16. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Wall of Knowledge updated Super /sbg/ Race Mod with a new update entry:

    Crisis ACTUALLY averted and also some other stuff

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Nefer007

    Nefer007 Phantasmal Quasar

    How would I, say, install the mod into current 1.0 Starbound?
  18. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    Same way as you'd manually install any other mod; just unpack the .zip archive in /Starbound/mods

    Make sure you have a character creation screen extender installed, or none of the added races will be selectable.
  19. Nefer007

    Nefer007 Phantasmal Quasar


    BTW, Patchouli Knowlege, I'm pretty sure that I alone am taking umbrage to the Lunarian's backstory since there are like two other Touhou fans on the site, one of which is gone forever and the other one doesn't know about this.

    Seriously, make their backstory educational to those of us with no knowledge of Japanese magi-mythology.
    --- Post updated ---
    That's weird, when I tried to launch Starbound with this mod, it would not run. Can I have some help here? Should I take the folder one folder down and place THAT in the mods folder?
    Mine auto-closes after the little Protectorate emblem at its best.
  20. Wall of Knowledge

    Wall of Knowledge Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm pretty sure you are, and I'm not sure I understand why? I just double-checked the lore I wrote up, and... it doesn't really need any? The Touhou inspiration is a bonus if you get it, but it's still a sci-fi origin in its own right.

    Also, the folder heirarchy should be /Starbound/mods/Super SBG Race Mod
    If you extracted it into a Super SBG Race Mod0.13b folder, then yes, you should.

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