Supersonic Enchancers

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by SuperWillieD, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. SuperWillieD

    SuperWillieD Pangalactic Porcupine

    Congratulations! We s.t. inkorporated has created a.... supersonic enchancer! This odd, expensive device will, we guarantee, ExSPEED your expectations! Stepping inside it will trigger something very odd. Electrons will blaze through you at such a speed1 that your muscles will move at aproximately %1293 faster! In theory, you will go extremely fast while the effects are on. Only one problem- supersonic speed is not easy to control! At first, when your going subsonic, it will be fine. You will have room to stop. But when the sonic boom occurs (and believe me, it will) you wont notice that mountain until your halfway into it, and by then it will be too late. Of course, if your crossing a planet full of plains, or one with nothing in your path, you wont have a problem2 so buy one today!

    1 we st. ink is not responsible for spontaneous combustion.
    2 we st. ink also is not responsible for going so fast you warp into another dimension or time period
    Buy this product at your own risk. we do not accept refunds, and our brilliant customer service will be too busy doing important things (like playing starbound) to answer your calls.
  2. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    No thank you, I'd rather not spontaneously combust.
    Manilian likes this.
  3. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    You didn't explain what your product IS exactly.. Is it an injection, a potion, a type of mobile device? I suggest it could be a mobile device. :)
  4. KuroHinotori

    KuroHinotori Spaceman Spiff

    I get what it is I just don't find it realistic or practical... Sorry for being blunt.
  5. Manilian

    Manilian Big Damn Hero

    Maybe the speed can be reduced, sure the player can be fast- but not TOO fast. It can be like those speed potions in Minecraft, it doesn't make you fast like a train- but it still helps your gameplay.
    KuroHinotori likes this.
  6. SuperWillieD

    SuperWillieD Pangalactic Porcupine

    Neither. its a machine you walk into.

    Its supposed to help with gameplay making you go supersonic, but at a price- if you dont slowly tap the arrow key, you'll go too fast and probably crash. also it would be epic for long distance races, such as completely around a planet. Maybe if you run too fast up a long ramp you go out of orbit! o_O :rofl:

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